The First Day Of School

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April 1st. The day that I finally embark on one of the wishes my dear Hiyori wanted to fulfill. 

Highschool life with me. Yes. 

And what better place to spend those three years in a school closed off from the outside world right? A place where only the elites are admitted. Nothing could go wrong right?

Kiyotaka looked to his right and saw Hiyori smiling at him as they stood next to each other and they were waiting for the bus to arrive. 

Hiyori insisted they take the bus because of Kiyotaka's suggestion before they decided on the bus. 

"I wanna drive the Regera that Matsuo has..."

"As much as I'd like you to be happy, you still do not have you driver's license. And you are going to attract too much attention, so no"

So uh yeah, I agreed.... that we take the bus.

A few minutes pass and Kiyo alongside Hiyori boarded on the bus. They were seated further behind on the bus. It was still pretty early with barely anyone else on the bus so the two decided to sleep it off. 

Hiyori leaned onto Kiyo's shoulder and held onto his arms as she smiled before slowly falling asleep. Kiyotaka tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear and smiled a little before nodding lightly to himself and laid his head on hers whilst leaning backwards so as to not strain her head too much. And so he followed suit and slowly fell asleep. 

While the two were sound asleep at the back of the bus. The typical bus scene played out. And man was it the same as canon with the exception of Kiyotaka. 

The commotion did not really bother the two, Hiyori was sound asleep and was quite a heavy sleeper as long as she felt comfortable. Kiyotaka was faking his sleep and wasn't moving an inch. He was a rather light sleeper due to his circumstances but found it bothersome to listen further after the first few seconds of the argument. 

He was faking his sleep just in case Hiyori wakes up and decides to well.... you don't want to know..

Anyways, he took note of the possibility that the commotion would escalate and could wake up Hiyori. So with swift movements, he carefully untucked Hiyori's hair to let it fall over her ears. This is not to mask the noise because that would be useless. It's to force-


Its to force Hiyori to curl up closer to him, enough for him to place his hand on her cheek while covering her ears, and firmly placing her head on his chest. He adjusts his position for this and places a soft kiss on her head. Her ears were rather, ticklish if you would so he made sure that his hands covered the area around her ears to lessen the noise while avoiding tickling her. 

Right now, his position was rather awkward due to how he needed to tilt his body to let Hiyori rest on his chest, still hugging his right arm. And yes, Hiyori is indeed seated beside the window. 

Anyways, he was glad the commotion didn't escalate but he didn't let his guard down and kept Hiyori as comfortable as she could. Once they reached their destination, he slowly patted her head with his left hand and gently squished her hand with his right hand. 

Hiyori blinked a couple of times and let out a cute yawn as she rubbed her eyes. 

"Are we here nghm?"

Her voice trailed off as a faint whisper. Barely audible but it was enough for Kiyotaka to hear as he nodded his head in response. 

Hiyori urged him to stand up as she pulled on his arm a bit to stand up and continued their way to the entrance ceremony. 

I'm Shiina Hiyo-u can get out of my sight.Where stories live. Discover now