What a time to be-

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The atmosphere was tense? or rather awkward for the dumbest reason, as every single soul in Class D was staring at the brown haired teen who was asleep.

For the boys, a mixture of surprise and jealousy lingered while the opposite sex harboured amusement whilst wearing baffled looks.

It was lunchtime, barely even two minutes after the bell rang.

Ayanokouji already fell asleep twenty minutes ago from the sheer boredom he experienced from listening to what he had already learned years ago.

It is safe to say that no one really cared about him sleeping as none knew about the S-System due to the fact that it wasn't May 1st yet.

From the start of the month, Ayanokouji didn't bother introducing things about himself except for his name. Most people shrugged it off due to how he used a polite tone accompanied by a slight bow.

Nobody knew much about the guy due to how he mostly kept to himself, not even bothering to communicate with anyone else.

The boys didn't really mind it much aside from occasional questions about whether or not Ayanokouji would like to join whatever they were doing, games, polls, and simple discussions about the girls in the class.

He didn't bother conversing with them even. He simply shook his head, turning down the invites the boys gave him.

The girls had no luck either. Well, a certain biege-haired girl did, but she it doesn't really count since they were both going to the convenience store. But she didn't really mind and came to the conclusion that he didn't like socializing somewhat.

The other females in the class didn't really care much, going as far as considering him a "gloomy" and quiet person.

But today was different.

Yes, because usually he's alone, even during lunch. He cooks his own lunch, which came off as a surprise for the girls in the first few days, but he simply shrugged it off by saying that it cost him less money.

Some laughed saying they have a lot of money anyway, while some people like Matsushita agreed, saying it was a commendable choice.

Today, someone from another class entered the room without a care in the world and proceeded to look around until she spotted the sleeping figure seated at the back.

Her waist length silver hair and purple gradient eyes with a certain glint of innocence to them caught the attention of everyone in the room. She held a book in her arms and exuded an aura of what they considered angelic in a sense.

'Who is she?'

'Does it matter? She's drop dead gorgeous!'

'She's so cute!!'

'I wonder what she's here for'

Multiple comments ran through the students' minds, but they abruptly ceased once they saw her stop beside the classmate they barely knew, and yes, it is indeed the brown haired boy who was sleeping.

She simply stood there with a gentle smile as she stared at the boy for a few moments until she lightly tapped on his head.

No one really uttered a word and simply stared at the scene unfolding in front of them.

Ayanokouji stirred awake and raised his head and then stretched his arms, grunting a bit due to his arms feeling a bit numb.

He looked up to meet the only person he doesn't treat like his classmates and is quite literally the only person he cares about. "Let me just fix my stuff, and then we'll eat lunch." He said queitly while taking out the two bento boxes he prepared and then fixed himself.

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