Volume 2 - Chapter 3

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"W-what do you mean with that?" Izuku asked as he put his glass down on the table. Ashido took a sip of her water before speaking. "Just like I said, how do you know my name Greenie? I haven't introduced myself to you so how?" Izuku must've looked dumbfounded because Ashido was slowly getting agitated at him. "Look man, the first time we ever met was at school when you flung a door in my face. Back then we hadn't exchanged words, and until today we haven't either."

"W-wait." Izuku said as he got up from his chair. "So you don't know me?" He was very confused at the moment. Ashido threw her hands up in the air. "Ah, you finally get it huh?" Izuku looked at her. She really didn't remember him huh. He didn't know why, but it kinda hurt. "Well, aren't you going to talk?" Izuku looked away from Ashido to hide his pained expression. "No, I'm not.."

Ashido slammed her hand on the desk, slightly startling Izuku by her sudden outburst. "You need to-" she started but Izuku turned back to her and stepped forward, almost getting into her face. "I don't get how your stupid name is such a huge deal!" Izuku yelled. "You don't even remember mine!" Ashido carefully backed up. His outburst slightly scared the girl. His eyes widened as he quickly wanted to apologize. "I-I'm sorry I-" but that's when his phone began to vibrate. He quickly looked to see it was his mom.

"Sorry, I have to take this." Izuku mumbled as he walked past Ashido. Once he exited the room and shut the door behind him, he slid down against said door. He let out a loud sigh. He didn't mean to flip out like that. He has to apologize later, but now his mom.

After having accepted the call he put the phone against his left ear. "H-hey mom. How ae you doing?" He asked with a slight stutter. He heard his mom sigh on the other end of the phone. "You know what I'm going to ask you right?" Inko said. Izuku heard his dad talk in the background. "What are you going to ask him?" He said, before audibly getting slapped by Inko. "Auw! What was that for?!"

It made Izuku chuckle. He never really imagined hoe his mom and dad would be together since they lived apart for most of his life, but he could imagine it being like this. "I'm sorry mom, I just did something really stupid." His mom chuckled. "Talk to me about it." She said. So Izuku explained to her.

He explained to her how he had left his class, how things went the last day of his first year, how none of his friends tried to talk to him after he had moved to America and how that upset him.

"Hmm, I see.." Hisashi hummed. "But for some reason you're more upset then you should be because of this girl? Does this mean you like her?" He asked. Izukufelt his cheeks heat up. "N-no, n-not really.." he stuttered. Izuku heard his parents laugh on the other side of the line. Even though they couldn't see him Izuku pouted at them anyways. "Why do I even bother telling you two? Maybe I should just hang up and-"

"Nonono!" Inko quickly said. "No honey, you can talk to us about anything." Hisashi quickly chimed in. "Even if you have your eyes on a girl... Auw! Honeyyy!" Both his parents and even Izuku laughed a little. "But back again to the subject in all serious." Inko continued. "But can I be honest Izuku? I feel like you're hiding something from us." Izuku raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean mom?"

"It's just that-" Inko continued. "Something doesn't add up Izuku. You're mad at your class, but I can also tell you're afraid." It went quiet. Inko and Hisashi waited for a response, but Izuku didn't say a thing, confirming Inko's speculation. "Izuku, talk to us." Izuku bit his lip, contemplating if he should tell his parents. But he decided not to. "I'm sorry mom, I can't tell you that yet. I need to get ready first.."

"I see." Inko said slightly disappointed. "Please Izuku, tell us as soon as you're ready." Hisashi once again chimed in. "Yeah buddy, we're always here for you, and we always will be." Izuku smiled to himself as he got up from the ground. "Thanks mom, dad, I appreciate it." After that they said their goodbye's and when Izuku hung up his phone he opened the door to the office and walked back in.

First thing he saw was Ashido sitting in his chair for some reason. When he entered she spun and turned around. "Ah, so you're back baby rage?" Izuku look at her with a dead expression. "Get out of my chair." Ashido giggled a little as she spun back around. "No way. Just go back out of the room. It's way nicer here without you." Izuku rolled his eyes as he walked past her, walking towards Ashido's desk. "Hey, where you going?" Ashido asked as he walked past her. Izuku ignored her as he went and sat down in Ashido's chair. When he looked over at Ashido he let ou a chuckle, seeing the fake offended look on her face. "If you're not getting out of mine, I'll sit in yours." 

Ashido smiled at him. "I'm sorry for coming at you like that Midoriya." Izuku smiled back at her. "And I'm sorry for flipping out like that Ashido. I shouldn't have done that." Ashido hopped up from her chair. "Sure thing, all is forgiven now." But when she arrived at her chair she started pulling his shoulders, trying to get him off her chair. "But if you don't move your ass now I will get mad at you for real." Izuku laughed. "Yeah yeah, I'll get going now." He got up from the chair but when Ashido slightly pushed him away he lost his footing and stumbled to the ground. In a attempt to pull Izuku back up Ashido grabbed his hand, but the male was to heavy for her to pull back up, resulting in Izuku taking her down with him.

"Hey Midoriya! You okay?" Ashido asked worriedly. Izuku opened his eyes and saw Ashido's worried face. Luckily Ashido managed to hold herself up with one hand, stopping her from collapsing onto him. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." Izuku mumbled, a little bit emberassed by how close she was to him. Ashido hadn't realised their closeness until seeing Izuku's flushed face. She felt her own cheeks heat up as well. "A-ah, sorry let me just-" But she tried to get up to quick, slipping and falling ontop of him anyways. Izuku let out a yelp and Ashido just grunted. That's when the door opened and Mt. Lady walked in. When she saw the two on the ground she let out a laugh. "Well, this sure is an interesting site to see!" 

Izuku quickly pushed Ashido off of him and got up. Ashido did the same, but hit him on the head for pushing her onto the ground earlier. "What is it you want from us Takeyama?" Ashido sneered. Mt. Lady just smirked at them. "Nothing, just came to deliver some more paperwork before heading back out." She said as she wavered the stack of papers she was holding in the air before putting it on Izuku's desk. "I'll put it down here so you two can continue where you left off." She turned around and walked back out the door. "Have fun you two!" She said with a final wave before closing the door.

Izuku turned to Ashido, wanting to ask her why she was so informal with their mentor but Ashido just glared at him. "I don't wanna talk right now!" She said as she walked out of the door. "I'm going to the gym!" And with that Izuku was the only one left in the room. The silince was uncomfortable and Izuku wandered sadly back to his chair. "I hate doing paperwork!"

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