Volume 2 - Chapter 4

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2 more hours had passed since Mt. Lady walked in and dropped off more paperwork, and Izuku was slowly losing his mind. The things he has to check and fill in about all the encounters Mt. Lady and Itsuka had with villains today was just to absurd for words. It also resulted in more work.

As for what Ashido was doing Izuku didn't know. She was probably still training, but hasn't come back to the office once since she left. Izuku was kind of worried if she was taking enough breaks. "Dammit, who cares." He threw the left over papers aside and got up. When the elevator stopped at the second floor the doors opened and Izuku was met with a gust of cold wind. At first it was a little too cold, but Izuku quickly found it refreshing. It was nice if a gym had air-conditioning.

He looked around him and saw all the equipment the gym had. A lot of the machines he had already seen and used before but there were also a few he didn't recognize. However that wasn't what Izuku was looking for. He was searching for a pink skinned girl yet she was nowhere to be found. "Maybe she's somewhere else." Izuku said to himself as he started to walk around.

The cardio equipment was located directly when you walked out of the elevator. A little further ahead the weight section started but the gym didn't stop there. It continued a little further to the right and that's where Izuku decided to search for his ex-classmate. The room wasn't that big so if Ashido wasn't over there she probably wasn't in the gym anymore.

But when Izuku walked closer he could hear music playing. When he stepped up onto the raised area he saw there was another room sepperated from the gym by a huge glass wall. The door however to said room was open, allowing the music to enter the gym. It was classical music though which kind of surprised Izuku. To him Ashido didn't seem like the type of person to listen to this kind of music.

But when Izuku got closer he saw why she was listening to it. Like a professional ballerina she was jumping and moving around the room. It was a little breath taking to see Ashido dance so beautifully. Izuku didn't want to interrupt her so he decided to silently watch from the opening of the door. The happy look on her face when she was dancing made Izuku smile widely.

She continued dancing for another two minutes until the song came to an end. Triumphantly Ashido stood tall until she fell down on the mat on her back. She was huffing and puffing loudly, clearly exhausted by all the dancing she had done. Still smiling she wiped the sweat of her forehead. That's when suddenly a towel got thrown into her face.

Slightly startled Ashido went and sat straight up in a matter of a second. She turned around and saw Izuku clapping his hands at her with a smile on his face. "That was magnificent." He said. "But the way you connect your movements are sloppy from time to time." Ashido looked at him with wide eyes, making the boy chuckle. She felt her cheeks heat up as she hid her face behind her towel. "I don't need to hear shit from you Midoriya." She said softly.

Izuku walked over to her and kneeled down. "But I meant what I said. You're amazing Ashido." He gently pulled the towel away and handed her a water bottle. "Sometimes sloppy, but still amazing." He added with a smirk on his face. Ashido looked at him for a second before hitting him with the water bottle.

"Auw!" He said as he stopped backwards. He pouted at her as he gently rubbed the spot she had hit him in. "What was that for?!" Ashido just giggled as she got up and threw both the towel and water bottle at his face. However Izuku caught them mid-air using black whip and put them down next to him.

Ashido pointed at him daringly. "If you've got so much to talk then show me what you've got Greenie!" Izuku chuckled as he put his hands behind his head. "No." He said. "I haven't warmed up so I'm not going to do ballet today. Maybe another time." He added. "But still!" Ashido said. "You and I are going to duel right here right now one way or another." Izuku hummed. "I'm always down to spar, but that would be unfair towards you."

This time Ashido pouted. "And what do you mean with that?" Izuku laughed. "I'm just better than you is all, no offense." He lowered his hands and started stretching. "So how about I only use my hands and not my feet."

Ashido considered his proposal for a second. It's true that Midoriya was certainly strong with his kicks and all and the last half of their year he just focused on using his legs only. But proposing to use his weakest asset just didn't make sense. He must've improved his hand to hand combat last year! So that's what Ashido decided to go off.

"Nonono." She shook her head. "I want you to use your legs only." Izuku raised his eyebrows as if saying 'are you sure?' but Ashido didn't care as she got into a fighting position. "Just come at me Midori!" She taunted. "If I win you have to do anything I want you to do for a whole day!" Izuku put his hand to his chin. "And if I win?" He asked. Ashido just shrugged. "I dunno. I'll take you out for a cup of coffee?" Izuku laughed as he also got into a fighting position. "Sure. If you want to go on a date with me that bad I won't decline." And with that he came running at Ashido, using his teasing remark as an opening.

Izuku threw a kick at her right side but Ashido blocked it with a kick of her own. The two clashed but Izuku's kick was significantly stronger so Ashido backed off. She smirked. "You're strong, but not strong enough!" She said as this time she ran towards him and hit him with a combination of attacks. Izuku however deflected them one by one and when he found an opening he send a kick her way. But Ashido was prepared, quickly doing a split in order to dodge his attack. Using this short time window she kicked his standing leg, making Izuku fall to the ground. Downside was that the boy fell forward instead of backwards.

Ashido however was prepared for that as well, miraculously rolling aside and dodging the huge body that would definitely have crushed her. Izuku fell face first in the ground, letting out a small groan. When he rolled around Ashido climbed on top of him, grabbing his arms and putting them above his head in order to immobilize him. "Hah! What do you think of that Greenie!?"

"It's certainly interesting how each time I walk in you two are on top of each other." Mt. Lady said from the doorway. Itsuka let out a chuckle. "I certainly agree with that!"

For a second Ashido looked back at the door opening, her face bright red. But Izuku stayed calm and took that as an opportunity to do the exact same like Ashido. When he pinned her he said. "Don't get distracted. They aren't allowed to distract you."

He let go of Ashido andgot up from the ground. He pointed at his teacher and classmate. "As foryou two, keep your mouth shut during a sparring match!" Mt. Lady grinnedat him. "You sure that was just a sparring match? It looked like something else tome." Izuku grabbed a bottle of water and just ignored his teacher as hewalked past her out of the room. Once when the elevator doors closed behind him Izuku's posturedropped. "How the hell did I keep my composure there.." he mumbled tohimself, his face bright red. "She's just too cute..."

Hey, yet another note here. I've already posted this on my profile, but I decided to post this here as well since no-one who's reading this most likely will check out my profile. With this chapter Volume 2 has ended and now I'm going to take a quick break. I don't know how long this break is going to last. I might be back after a few weeks or I might even continue uploading anyways.

If you want to know the reason as to why I'm taking a break just check out my profile.

Also! I will update each chapter in the near future. I'll be correcting grammar mistakes and adding or deleting certain things so the story makes more sense. If you get a lot of notifications because of this I apologize.

That's all! Like I did before, this note will eventually get deleted, probably when I return.

Have a nice day, stay hydrated and take good care of yourselfs.

- Red Tea Cup

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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