Volume 2- Chapter 2

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"H- hey there.." Izuku said with an awkard smile. Ashido was just staring at him, hard. It made Izuku really uncomfortable, he whished he could just turn around and walk right back out of the room.

"Hey, don't ignore us please." Itsuka said with a chuckle as she waved at Izuku. Izuku looked over to his right to see Itsuka sitting on a desk, right next to Mt. Lady. Was she interning with their homeroom teacher as well? "O- oh... yeah.. Good morning Itsuka-San, Sensei." he said with a slight bow. But as soon as he lifted his head back up his eyes went back over to Ashido, who was still looking at him. 

'Of course she had to be here as well!' Izuku thought to himself as he quickly averted his gaze from hers. "It looks like you two already know each other." Mt. Lady said with a smirk. "May I ask how?" Izuku was a little bit hesitant to answer, not knowing how to explain what had happened Monday but Ashido quickly beat him to it. "We just bumped into each other the first day." She said. Mt. Lady raised her eyebrow. "Oh really? Then why is he blushing so much? What did you do to him Ashido-Chan?"

"T- that's not true!" Izuku quickly said. Ashido just shrugged it off. "I don't know why, but I also don't care." Mt. Lady just chuckled as she hopped off of the desk and clapped her hands together. "Anyways, lets get started for today."

"Now that we're with 4 in total we can make 2 groups of 2. The first pair is going to be me and Battlefist over here-" Mt. Lady fist bumped Itsuka before pointing at Izuku and Ashido. "And the second pair is of course you two."

"W- what?!" Ashido exclaimed as she got up from her seat. "Why do I gotta pair up with him?!" She said with pleading eyes. Mt. Lady shrugged. "Because it will be fun?" Ashido clicked her tounge. "Sure, whatever." She walked over to Izuku and grabbed him by the collar as she started dragging him out of the room. "We're doing paperwork though!" 

"Sure thing! Have fun you two! Don't do anything strange without locking the door first!" Mt. Lady said with a laugh as she waved them goodbye. Ashido lifted her free hand up and flipped the two off before throwing the door shut behind her. Itsuka looked over to Mt. Lady. "Was that necesarry?" She asked. Mt. Lady chuckled to herself. "Of course. You three are only here to entertain me after all."

As soon as Ashido shut the door behind her she threw Izuku on the ground. "Was that really necessary Ashido-San?!" Izuku said as he rubbed the back of his head and got up from the ground. "I already have problems with my eyes and I don't need it to be permanent."

Ashido just glared at him, shutting Izuku up immediately. She started walking towards another door and Izuku wasn't sure if he was supposed to follow her, but when she looked back at him with a scowl on her face he quickly ran after her. Ashido started talking. "I assume you don't know the building yet, so be glad I'll explain the layout to you."

Izuku rolled his eyes at her. "Since when did you become so cold.." he whispered to himself. "What was that?!" Ashido's head quickly turned back to him, making Izuku stumble a little backwards. "N- nothing!" He stuttered.

The went through the whole building sith it's 3 floors. The first floor consisted out of the lobby, the changing rooms and Mt. Lady's main office.

The agency's gym was located on the second floor. It was divided in 2 main areas, one for weight training and cardio and the other for sparring.

The office and dorms were located on the third floor. The office looked like every other workspace in those manga's. It was just a huge open space with multiple desks, four in total, and of course a water dispenser. A hallway divided the office and the dorms. As for the dorms, it was just one huge living room with a small kitchen included and 4 bedrooms connected to the living room.

"Since you'll be here until you've found your own internship you basically won't be using the dormitory." Ashido explained as they walked back into the hallway. Izuku just nodded.

Ashido opened the door to the office and they stepped inside. "You know-" Ashido said as she walked over to her desk. "It would be nice if you reply every once in a while." Izuku walked over to the one empty desk in the room. "I thought you didn't want me to talk to you."

"When did I every day that?" Ashido asked. Izuku sighed. "Your whole demeanor I guess?" Before he knew it a water bottle was thrown to his head, but he quickly caught it before it could hit him.

"Wow, you actually caught that." Ashido said with a slightly surprised look on her face. "You should stop trying to hurt me!" Izuku yelled at her. Ashido just shrugged. "No."

After that the two started to do all the paperwork they had to do for the day. Izuku however finished after three hours, just when Ashido barely reached her halfway mark. "I'm done." Izuku said as he walked over to Ashido's desk with his papers.

"Already?" Ashido asked as she leaned back in her chair, letting out a groan as she stretched her back. Izuku looked down at her, noticing he could look down her shirt if he wanted to. It caught him off guard, allowing Ashido's hands to hit him in his stomach as she stretched out further. "Oh, sorry."

Izuku quickly put down his papers before clutching his stomach. She hit him in the right place.. "D- don't worry about it. You need any help?"

"Yeah, sure." Ashido got up, picked up all the papers she had left, and handed them over to Izuku. "Here, finish these so I can go lunch." Izuku's eyes twitched a little, but he just accepted them without a word and went back to his desk. 'She is absolutely the worst!' He thought to himself as he went and sat back down.

Ashido looked at him with a smirk. 'This guy does everything I ask him to do. Maybe he'll say yes if I ask him out...' she then quickly shook her head at that last thought. 'No no no! Why would I date someone as easygoing as him?' Izuku noticed Ashido heavily shaking her head, but decided not to ask for his own safety.

Izuku finished Ashido's papers after another hour and when he checked the time it was 1 pm. That's when something cold touched his neck. "What the-"

Ashido chuckled behind him as she retracted her hand with the glass of water. "Hey, good work." She said as she handed him the glass. Izuku looked at her, surprised by her sudden change of behaviour, but accepted the glass anyways. "Thanks."

Ashido went and sat back down at her desk with the papers and her own glass. "I have one question now though since we're finished with paper work." Izuku took a sip of his water. "Yeah sure, what is it Ashido-San?"

"How do you know my name?"

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