Volume 1 - Chapter 3

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"No way bro, you're from America?!" Tetsu Tetsu yelled from the back of the class as he got up from his chair. "N- not really." Izuku said. "JAPANESE?" The class yelled in unison. Taken aback by their reaction to him speaking Japanese, Izuku fumbled with what he wanted to say next for a few seconds. But before he could speak a girl with a sweet voice spoke up first. Pony stood up from her chair and started talking to Izuku in English.

"If you need help with translating, I can help you."  Pony said with a smile. Izuku chuckled. He had forgotten Pony used to live in America before she moved to Japan. Izuku replied to her in English. "N- no, you don't have too Pony-san. I was born and raised in Japan. I just studied abroad last year." He gave her a small smile and rubbed the back of his head. Pony smiled back at him and gave him a quick nod before she went to sit back down.

"W- what did he just say?" Tetsu Tetsu yelled from the back of the class again. "If you had studied your English properly like the rest of us, you would know Tetsu Tetsu." Monoma said. Izuku looked over at the blonde boy to see him sitting on the 4th row, 3rd chair, with his head held up by his hand. "So even though you are Japanese, my question is how you know Pony-chan or this old hag."

"Hey, I'm not old! I'm 26!" Mt. Lady yelled angrily. "You guys agree that 26 isn't that old, right?

Monoma just shrugged it off, not caring enough to reply. He looked over at Izuku with a pretty serious look on his face. "So, how do you know us?"

"Because I've studied here before Monoma-san." Izuku said as he walked over to the teacher's desk. "I have even battled some of you a few times." He dropped his bag, grabbed a marker, and wrote down his name on the whiteboard behind him. When he finished and stepped aside he heard a collective gasp from the class again. Even Monoma was surprised now.

"But please let me re-introduce myself." Izuku quickly bowed down. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. For my first year I attended the hero school UA in Japan but for my second year I went abroad to America." Even Mt. Lady was quite shocked. "You're Midoriya? That nerdy kid I interviewed 2 years ago?!" She said as she squeezed his cheeks and started examining his face from various angles. "You look so different!"

"Ywep. Shtill nerdy twhough."

The classroom erupted all at once as many students started asking their own questions at once. "All right! That's enough everyone!" Mt. Lady said as she let go from Izuku's face. "Midoriya, you're seated all the way in the back next to Kendo." Izuku looked over at Kendo who waved at him with a friendly smile. Izuku smiled back at her, unbeknownst to him making the redhead blush a little. Izuku started making his way over to the back of the class as Mt. Lady continued, this time directing her attention to the class. "And as soon as he sits down we're continuing class. Ask your questions during lunch!"

And that's what happened. Class went by smoothly with everyone paying attention to their teacher. But as soon as the bell rang, announcing that lunch finally arrived, everyone got up from their seats and started swarming around Izuku.

Even when Izuku finally arrived at the cafeteria he was being surrounded by all the students of 3-B. "Please, can you all leave me alone for lunch?" He asked as he was standing in line for his food. The students however didn't listen as they all continued asking their own questions. Izuku however didn't pay attention to anything that was being asked. He only wanted some peace and quiet, was that so much to ask for?

As soon as he got his tray of lunch, some Soba and a small piece of cake, he activated full cowling and hopped away from the crowd. He reached the entry way to the cafeteria and threw open the door, but in doing so he surprised a pink skinned girl that was about to enter.

The door being thrown in her face so sudden made her stumble backwards. Her right foot slipped, making her lose her balance, but as she was falling she suddenly felt his firm arm wrap around her waist.

The two looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds and Izuku felt like time was slowing down. He was practically getting lost in her golden irises, but hearing all the shouting behind him made him snap back into reality. He quickly lifted her back up on her feet and mumbled a quick apology before running off with his food.

While wandering around the school in search for a decent spot to have lunch, Izuku's mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. "What the hell just happened..." He whispered to himself. "Did I just have a moment with Ashido-san?"

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