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"Huh...? Where am I...?" I sat up, rubbing my head. I looked at my surroundings, there were cobblestone roads, many crowds of people consisting of men, woman, and children dressed in strange clothes.

"Wha...what the heck..."

I stood up, this was strange, really strange. I mean I was still in the dress I wore to the dance last night, I still had my whole outfit on, my moms bracelet and necklace and earrings.

But where did my hoodie go? My hair was still curled and I still had sunglasses that were lilac and heart shaped. It was cold outside. Ok this is weird, very strange. It was summer yesterday.

Why do I still have my backpack? Oh yea, that's right. I took it with me. Wait! My moms sweater! Is it still in there? I unzipped it as I kneeled down, scraping my legs on the harsh floor. I sighed in relief as I saw my moms sweater still in there.

I had took it to stay warm in the night since I didn't want to wear another one of those puffy black leather sweaters which made me look like a balloon.

I threw it over my shoulders, stuffing my arms in the sleeves. I stood up once again, throwing my backpack over my shoulders. Then it all came back to me one by one. The memories popped up in my mind one after another.

Opening the door and seeing that massacre on my birthday, crying and kneeling, praying that it was a nightmare hopefully, shooting my dad, running to find Elena, the police never answering, getting pulled back by someone..or something.

I shook my head, smacking myself with my fist a little.

I couldn't help but still think about it no matter how hard I tried. I let a small tear run down my cheek but quickly smeared it away which messed up some of my makeup.

I take another glance at everything. It looks like someone had put me in an alleyway. I walked out. Everything was too much for me to take in.

Where was I? Who are these people? Where is everyone? What happened? I wasn't showing it, but I was scared, really scared, I felt a wave of anxiety hit me. You know the feeling when it feels like you haven't ate anything? When you feel really weak? When your blood pressure is really low? Yea, that's what it felt like.

I started walking through the place. I saw an ocean and a beach up ahead.

"Gah! Where in the fuck am I?! Santa Cruz?! Santa Monica?! Hello?! What the F is going on here?! How the fuck did I get all the way to a beach?!

"Selene!" I heard a familiar feminine voice say. I looked behind me to see Stef running towards me in her dress she went to the dance in too. That's really weird.

"Oh my god, Stef!" I said back. I was grateful to have someone I know with me at least. This is weird. But she looks like she's an anime person. Why? Our generation is more mature than the others so people were wearing crop tops and makeup by the time we were in 6th.

So she looked like a pre-teen in anime.

"You look really different!" She said, looking me up and down with her dark brown eyes.

"Thats what I was gonna say to you! Where the fuck are we at?" I asked, looking around.

"I don't know, we look different. Like a different type of...umm...what do you call it?"


"I was thinking of something else but that works."

"Hey why are there bubbles everywhere?" Stef asked. I barely noticed it. There were multiple bubbles and trees with certain numbers around it. This looked a lot like Sabaody from One Piece to be honest.

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