Chapter 58

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My voice makes everybody on the camera jump and looking around nervous. I, in contrary, have to smirk to myself and lay my foots down on our desk too. Let's have a bit fun. Maybe somebody also have popcorn? Would be nice.

The people, we observe through the cameras, doesn't seem to be in the same mood than I am. Slowly they understand that my voice came from the speakers of the cameras and the idea is not after their liking, I guess.

I chuckle and shake my head at Fernández' freak out. He stands directly in front of one of the cameras and shouts something like 'Little girls have no business here' ... unfortunately in the wrong camera which makes me chuckle even more.

"First of all: Turn around and look in the right upper corner. You see the camera? There I am." Surprisingly he does as command. Pathetic. "Ah, maybe I like the one in the left corner more ..."

Chuckles hall through the room, but Fernández can barely stay calm anymore. "I swear to good, if you don't stop in the next minute, then- then-"

"Then what?" I ask as calm as always and as cold as possible like in any other business meeting.

"Then I will track you down-"

"Impossible. The servers have a double backup. It only works for one way, not the other. Next offer." I interrupt harshly.


Before I could say something, Ernesto speaks up, making everybody chuckle. "Maybe you go back to playing with your dolls."

"Oh so you find this funny. Okay. Actually, I wanted to clarify this on the peaceful way, but it seems like you have other plans. Fine for me." I say calmly. "Let's see how long you'll chuckle if the whole building - including y'all - is taken down by my people."

"Very funny. I think your mother just called for your next bottle."

"I think you'll loose your voice in the next second, Ernesto Bosco DeLuca. Or do you prefer if I would take the previous little principessa from your family instead?" I see them tense up immediately. Funny. Actually you're speaking with her. "How was her name again? Neliana Mercury DeLuca? Would be a tragedy if something happened to her. Accidentally, of course."

The most effectful way to take somebody down: using their soft stop. Nearly, everybody has at least one of them. You just have to know them and tada: you have them formally beg for mercy.

You can see formally steam coming out of their ears. I already guesses that we're their soft spot, but I didn't expected them being SO sensitive in this topic. Unfortunately, the emotions come only from one side.

Before they can say something, I turn my attention to the other people in the room.

"Achilles Dimitriadis, Lionel Santos and Michal Wójcik. The same applies to you." I go on unbothered by their reaction.


"I thought we already settled the threat stories." I chuckle at Wójcik outburst. Slowly I get what I want: respect. Unfortunately, you have to earn it each time new - it doesn't matter in which business. Everything would be so much easier for everybody if we'd have respect for each other from the beginning. But men don't want to learn, I guess.

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