Chapter 12

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POV: Davina

"Davina come on let's go!" Talon yells at me. We were supposed to leave an hour ago but I of course am running behind schedule. "Alright I'm coming!" I yell back. I grab my bag and head out to the car. Rodney and Dallas are sitting up front with Talon and I in the backseat.

I've spent this whole trip processing the fact that Noah is my mate and how I feel about it. I mean yes I had a crush on him but I would have never imagined he'd be my fated mate. Thats a whole new ball game. My fantasies could become reality now. Thats kind of scary.

Noah was the first person to ever kiss me or I ever slept with. He's very sweet. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him again. Sober this time that is. Would he want to kiss me again or was that just from being drunk. I know he accepts me as his mate but that could be just for his wolf. Maybe Lane was pushing him and he had no choice but to accept me. I don't want to think that but apart of me does deep down.

I know that I want to make this work being with him. There is one thing I worry about and thats how it will effect my investigation on Sarah. Will I be able to hide it in the shadows has I've always done. I was nearly caught this weekend saving Darlene. I still need to wipe my laptop and ditch it.

As soon as I get the chance I'll make a trip out to the camp and ask Darlene some questions to find out why Sarah took Darlene. Noah told me yesterday he ended his bond to Sarah which ended her being luna anymore. So thankfully I won't be forced to call her Luna anymore.

The lake house is about six hours from the pack so it was a long drive back. We stopped only for gas and food. By the time we got pack home it was around five. "I'm home!" I yell out as i enter my house. "Hey welcome back home." Dad says greeting me.

He takes my bag from me and sets it in the laundry room. "So how did your trip go?" Dad asks. "Fine." I tell him all about it. "What did you do while I was gone?" I worry about him being here alone. I know that Logan and I are the only reason that he's still going so strong. I fear for the day that he no longer has to take care of Logan and I. I mean Logan is already at college now and won't be home for another few months.

He lives his life for us. I wish he would live it for him. Mom wouldn't want him to just give up like that. Maybe I'm wrong but I see it in his eyes everytime I bring up my high school graduation. I did see some relief when he saw that Noah accepted me and that I was his mate. That meant that he could keep me here and nag me around some more. I had plans to apply to the police academy and become a detective. I would work under Delta Blake then. Now that's not going to happen. Though I haven't told anyone that was what I wanted to do.

"Oh you know. Work. Nag Noah around." I chuckle. He's got to nag someone. "By the way Noah asked that I tell you he wanted to see you when you got home."

"Oh. Why?" I ask. "Why do you think. Your his mate and have been gone for a few days. Go see him before Lane has a fit." Dad says. Ooh. "I guess I should go do that now then."

I leave for the packhouse to see Noah. "Hey I'm home. Dad said you wanted to see me. Where are you?" I mindlink Noah. "I'm in the shower actually. I'll come get you when I'm out just wait down stairs." He says. I blush at him being in the shower. Daniella doesn't help either sending images to me images of my birthday with Noah.

I must admit Noah is hot. I mean it's no wonder I had a crush on him for so long. "Really? You think I'm hot. How long has this crush been for?" My blush deepens even more. Did I just mindlink him that? "The link was never cut off and your thought are spilling through the link. Careful what you think." He says. Oh man.

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