Chapter 8

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POV: Davina

I walk into the kitchen where Rodney and Dallas are making out. Gross. So not what I wanted to see before I eat my breakfast. "Gross. Get a room." I say. "Well hello to you too sleeping beauty. What time did you go to sleep last night?" Dallas says.

I look at the time to see that its 11:00. "I think I fell asleep somewhere around three." I yawn. "Well here eat up. Tal and I are going to go to the store to get some food." Rodney says. "OK. Get some stuff to make stores with." I tell him.

"Oh yeah. That sounds amazing. Now go shoo shoo. It's girl time. No mate time." Dallas shoos Rodney away. "Damn woman alright. Your so bossy sometimes." Rodney complains.

I eat the food that Rodney set in front of me. "So you want to tell me. I know you have a secret." Dallas says. If only she knew the extent of my secrets. "No secrets here Dallas. Just things I can't tell you yet." I say. "Oh come on. I promise not to tell anyone. Just tell me." She pushes.

"OK but you have to swear to secrecy. Noah will not be happy if this gets out right now. We will both be in trouble with the Alpha." I tell her seriously. "It's that serious? Ok I double dog friendship swear not to ever tell a living soul and I cross my heart and hope to die" She crosses her heart.

I laugh at her antics. "Fine. I met my mate." I say simply. "Girl you had me thinking it was something bad. Why am I just finding out now. Tell me everything. Who is he." She has a mini freak out. "Slow down Dallas. Noah as in Alpha Noah is my fated mate." I tell her. Her mouth makes a perfect o shape. She is so shocked. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Alpha Noah is your mate. Your long time teen girl crush is your mate. Omg I can't believe this. Wait did he rejecr you? Is that why your being like this about it. Why no one can know." She says fast.

"Slow it down Dallas. Seriously one question at a time. First yes Alpha Noah. Second no he didn't reject me. He ended it with Luna Sarah. Third you can't tell because Noah needs time to deal with this. He has to go through the council and sever his bond. There is a lot of moving parts that play into this."

"Wow. So your like my Luna now. Omg my best friend is Luna." She says excitedly. "Remember Dallas no one can know. Don't blog about this. Noah won't be happy if you do." I warn her. "Yes girl. I promise plus I don't want to get in trouble with the alpha about my blog again." She says. "Thats not even all of it. We mated." I reveal. Her mouth does that o thing again. She sqeals. "Tell me everything. Details girl. We it good. How big was he? How did it start? Is he a good kisser?" She shoots off questions.

"Eww no. I'm not telling you that stuff." I tell her how it all started though. How we were both drunk and not in our right minds. "Damn girl thats how you swipe your v card. A drunken one night stand with your mate. What was the point in even saving it if thats what you were going to do?"

To be honest that wasn't the plan. I wanted to save my self for my mate and have it be this big romantic thing. Watching how Luna Sarah is with men and relationships around me. I didn't want something meaningless or something I would have to give up due to meeting my mate. In a way I do regret it but in another I don't. I just wish it could have been done differently. Though I won't admit that to anyone.

"It's fine. It wasn't like I was planning on it." She nods. "I see." We talk and talk until the guys get back. We put the groceries up then we watch a movie.

"Hey Goose. How's everything going?" Dad mindlinks me. "Great. You?" I answer. "Oh you know same old same old. Was anything out of the ordinary there last night?" He asks. Strange. "No. Why?" I ask. "Um just keep a look out is all. I've already informed Rodney and Talon but I wanted to check with all of you in case. Pack security was hacked into last night. Ip address shows it came from the lake house. Unless you kids did it as some prank or something." Crap! Stupid bad wifi. If I had been on a better wifi this wouldn't have happened.

"No pranks here dad. I saw nothing. We'll keep an eye out." I say. "Alright. Just be safe the the GPS is still saying that the ip is located at the lake house." Dad says. "Um yeah ok. We will keep a look out." I say. Dad ends the link. I wait an hour so not to look to suspicious and turn a laptop completely off. I need a new laptop. I need to backup my cloud and wipe my laptop and ditch it. I do have some electronic evidence on it. This is so bad. I could have ruined everything. At least we got Darlene back and to safety.

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