Vigilante (Female Reader X Kate Bishop)

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Post Hawkeye Series - (Female Reader X Kate Bishop)
Summary: You get saved by Clint Barton... or so you thought.
Word Count: 3.3K
TW: Guns, Men

You don't know why you moved to New York.

Okay, that's a lie. Yes, you do. You got a nice fancy job in the old Stark tower that paid you slightly more than you were qualified for.

Plus, you were determined to make it on your own. To prove to everyone back home, including your mother, that you could make it. Be someone. Look adversity in the eye and say fuck you!

But fucking adversity left you drained. Tired every day after working way longer than should be legally allowed. No time to socialize or find people with your interest. Not that you had much besides keeping up with the Avengers and binge-watching your three favorite sitcoms. You thought about getting a cat. One named Liho you saw on an adoption website, but a day later, the cat was snatched up.

Regardless, you wanted more from your life.

So here you were, walking home alone late on a Friday night after your numerous train stops.

Now, the part of the borough you lived in wasn't bad; it just had too many things going on with insufficient outlets. Speaking of that, there was another item on your list: find a new place.

As the late winter air nipped the sidewalk, you started making your way to your place when you turned the corner, finding yourself at the sight of a half dozen men in tracksuits.

You crossed your arms over the front of your cream-colored sweater and put your head down. Maybe if eye contact was lost, they would miss you.

If only.

"Hey, where are you going?" You didn't dare to look up as your Doc Martens hit the ground a little faster and harder. "Hey! Lady! We're talking to you." A second voice called out from behind you before a third one stopped you. Physically. With your head down so well, you didn't see the man until you fell on your butt on the dirty sidewalk.

"Now, now. We're not here to hurt you. We want to get to know you." He spoke, sending chills down your body. You began fumbling with your bag while doing your best to keep an eye on the ugly man with the funny voice. "Hey!" A fourth guy reached down and snatched your brown leather bag. "You won't be needing this!" The man laughed as he held up your pink can of pepper spray.

You were probably about to do something dumb when it happened.


You watched as an arrow came and shot the can of pepper spray the guy was holding up. It sent the contents of the can directly into his eyes. Blinding him and leaving him a burning mess as the guys around you ducked in shock. You kept her head low, too. Not wanting to get sprayed or accidentally hit with an arrow.

But wait. Why would you get hit? That's when you smiled. An Avenger!

You crawled away from the crying man and lifted your head to look in the direction the arrow was fired but saw nothing on the rooftops.

The man behind you still screamed in pain as another one decided he was done and started to take off. But that's when you saw another arrow being fired from the laundry mat rooftop. You couldn't make out the shape of the person, but a bow and arrow gave away the identity. Clint Barton.

You watched as the arrow flew in front of the guy before it broke apart and formed a giant net. Wrapping the guy up and taking him down into a store window, knocking him out.

2 down. 4 to go. You thought.

But the tracksuit guys must've thought the same thing as one of them ran up to you and grabbed you. Pinning your right arm behind you. You tried your best to fight him off, but your slaps and swings didn't do anything, especially when he started to bend your arm.

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