Chapter 19

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I peel my eyes open. I toss and turn in my bed before sitting up in my bed. I rub my eyes and check the time, 10:54. I set down my phone and use the bathroom. When I get back I hear my phone go off. Asher has texted me. I open my phone and check the message, "open the front door please love.". Confusion by the text I rush to the door to see what he means. To my surprise I see Asher standing outside the door. When I look up at him I see the cuts and gashes that cover his body. "Holy fuck Asher what happened!". I pull him inside and inspect him further. My eyes begin to fill with tears. "Love please don't cry." Asher says with his voice cracking. He looks like he's on the verge of tears when he sees me crying. "Can you help clean me up? I know I shouldn't be here right now but I don't trust anyone else.". I slowly nod, I wipe the tears off my face.

  I sneak Asher up to my bathroom. I pull a bag of bandages out of my drawers. I sit myself onto the counter to have good access to his cuts. I open the bag and start to take out bandages. Asher pulls his hand out. I gasp at the blood and the deep gash along his knuckles. "Asher." I stammer. "Love I'm fine. I did it for a good reason, you should see the other guy." Asher says as if it's supposed to ease me. I shake my head. This is so unlike Asher. He had plenty of verbal arguments but never anything physical, other than when he punched Leon.

  I take out the alcohol wipes. I pull Asher's hand closer to me. I open the wipe and start to clean the cut on his hand. Asher winces from the sting. "You brought this onto yourself." I spit out, annoyed by his actions. I clean deeper into the cut, Asher flinches his hand away in response of the pain. I give his an annoyed look. "Sorry." He mumbles as he puts his hand back onto mine. I take out a bandage and begin to wrap his knuckles. I tie a tight knot and pull the bandage tighter. Asher groans something. "All done." I say. "Nu uh." Asher says as he puts his face closer to mine. I groan as I get more wipes. I wipe clean the cut on his nose, one across his forehead, and chin. Asher groaned. I put a hello kitty band-aid onto his nose bridge, covering his cut. He looks at himself in the mirror, he laughs as he puts his gaze back onto me. He looks at my lips and then into my eyes with lust. Before I can say anything the door swings open.

  Asher and I both swiftly look to the door. I heart drops when I see Nate. "We weren't doing anything." I say panicked. Nate walks into the room, getting closer to us. "Look, Julianna was just helping clean me up." Asher says trying to help the situation out. "Yeah I can see that. I can also see your stiffy man. Damn what you'd do to look like that.". I hop off of the counter. "Anyway I need to talk to you guys." Nate says stepping out. I look at Asher, he gives a slight nod. We follow Nate into the living room. We sit down as Nate starts to say "I know I overreacted a bit. I'm sorry that I did, but what you guys did was fucked up. I'm sorry I hurt you guys so much when I found out, I should of been more reasonable when I found out. I never wanted to hurt you so much and I don't think you guys wanted to hurt me either. I just wanted to say I'm fine with you guys dating but I would appreciate it if you guys would be more respectful of the situation and take it, slower.". My eyes water. "I'm sorry too. I should have come to you before doing anything with Julianna. I know it was kind of a dick move. Im sure we could make something work and take things slower for you." Asher states. I hug Nate and thank him for being so understanding, I have no idea what I would do with out him. "So are we gonna talk about why Asher looks like hell?" Nate asks. "Yeah, I'd like to know too." I say looking at Asher. He groans. "Leon was talking shit and spreading bullshit rumors about Julianna. I tried to use my words but he understood punches much better." Asher says so casually. I gasp. Nate begins to clap. I give him a playful punch.

Nate goes back up to his room and leaves me and Asher alone. "You didn't have to do that. I don't want you getting hurt cause of me." I say running my fingers along his cuts. "I would do it all over again. Anything for you, my world." He picks me up and sits me onto his lap. He glances to the stairs checking if Nate was near. "We shoul-" "Were in the clear." Asher says pushing my hair back. I pinch the top of his nose before giving him a soft kiss. He smother my face in kisses as he places me next to him. He lays deeper into the sofa and pulls my arms into him. I nussle myself into a comfortable position and rest my head onto his shoulder, feeling at ease and content.

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