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I was shocked to see who was calling me.


This shithead was my ex-boyfriend—the guy who cheated on me with my college friend.

My eyes glared at him, "Why are you here?" I asked disappointingly.

"Erinne, I'm an Architect too. Of course, I'm working as my description says," he answered confidently.

"Nevermind. I do not even know you. Stop talking to me like we're friends."

"Are you still angry?"

"Me? No. I'm okay, but I have already kicked you out of my system, so I do not know you anymore."

"Why are you reacting that way? It's been six years since we last saw each other."

"I don't care. Can we remain civil? I do not want to involve myself with you anymore."

"So hateful, Eri."

I raised my brow. "Don't call me Eri. Only close friends and family call me that."

"Okay, then. Erinne," he said casually.

"Can you please mind your own business? I do not want to talk to you anymore."

Ivan sighed, "Okay, if that's what you want."

I immediately transferred to another place away from this man.

I am not bitter, but I harbor bad feelings toward him after all that happened. The pain I felt towards him was indescribable. We never had a proper ending, no explanations or apologies, just a sudden and unexpected stop to everything between us. I had to heal alone, convincing myself that I was enough and that they didn't see my worth. The devastation it caused me was almost unbearable. Although Yuki healed a big part of me, there's still a part of that wound that would just reopen once I encounter him.

Destiny is playing tricks on me. I badly want to go to my Yuki now.

This matter is not as easy as forgive and forget because it left a massive mark on me. It was so hard trusting people after that. I was just so thankful that Yuki is very readable, and you'll immediately know if he's hiding something. Not that I doubt Yuki--I never doubted him. Yuki is pure and honest, completely opposite of this dumbass.

The cheaters didn't even end up together. LOL.

During the first week, my responsibility was to monitor the timelines and communicate with the suppliers; hence, I only came occasionally to the site, but whenever I did, I tried to do it as efficiently as possible because one thing that made me dread my visits was seeing Ivan.

I had been worrying about when I would have to communicate with him since he works for a partner construction company. Unfortunately, that day came sooner than I expected. Due to the nature of our project, our team had to be divided into smaller groups composed of professionals from collaborating companies. We were put on the same team.

At first, Ivan seemed civil and casual to see me. But later on, he would try to strike up a conversation, but I would always answer him in 'one-line'. I didn't want to encourage him or give him the wrong impression. But the shithead was persistent. He would always find a way to 'accidentally' run into me.

He was getting on my nerves, and this was no coincidence. I tried my best to ignore him, but it was getting harder and harder every day.

One day, I exploded while returning to the dorm because Ivan was following me. "Ivan, can you get out of my sight?"

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