Imagine #1-House Party|ChrisMD.

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A/N-I am basing this particular imagine on ChrisMD, but you can picture any Sidemen member/friend that you want too. Quick disclaimer; (Y/N)=Your Name, (Y/H/C)=Your Hair Colour and (Y/E/C)=Your Eye Colour.


Loud music blared throughout the dimly lit house, masses of bodies filling the rather cramped space. You came to the house party with your boyfriend, Luca. To be honest, you felt a little bit out of place because you were unfamiliar with the people that were here whereas Luca pretty much knew everyone.

You insisted that he went on his own and had a good time, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. So, here you were, in a rather grand house, with a bunch of people you didn't know, feeling really uncomfortable. You weren't an introvert, but you were not extremely extroverted either so in that moment, you just felt awkward more than anything.

"Luca, do I really need to be here?" You asked your boyfriend as you walked through the door to the house, clutching his hand as tightly as possible.

"(Y/N), I asked you to come here, so yes." He responded, letting go of my hand once we were inside. Luca wasn't necessarily controlling, but he did like to have the last say in things and 90% of the time, you just went along with it, not wanting to deal with the aggro that would arise if you didn't. "Now, act like you're enjoying yourself!"

With that, he walked away from you, leaving you stood alone in a crowd of people you didn't know. Sighing, you ventured to the kitchen, knowing that's where you would find the alcohol to drown your sorrows. 

Entering the room, you discovered several lines of red, plastic cups covering the whole of the top of the kitchen island. Picking one up, you found a small corner of the kitchen and casually sipped upon the liquid, realising that it was a few different alcohols that he been mixed together. It didn't taste the nicest, but you knew you'd need a few just to get through the night.

Scanning the room, your eyes fell onto a familiar figure, one that you hadn't seen in years. Excusing yourself through the crowd, you approached them, tapping them on the shoulder as they had their back to you. "Remember me?"

The figure turned around, eyes lighting up instantly and a wide smile broke out onto their face. "(Y/N)!" Chris exclaimed, instantly wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tightly. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in years!" 

You and Chris first met each other in high school, becoming pretty good friends straightaway. You were both from the island of Jersey, but grew apart slightly when he moved to London to help his YouTube channel grow and develop a bit more. You'd only moved to London recently and had only seen Chris when he was back in Jersey, visiting his parents.

"I'm really well, thanks." You responded, pulling away from the embrace as you continued to smile at him. "How are things with you? I'm sorry to hear about you and Shannon.", and just from that one sentence, you could see the hurt in his eyes, the sparkle that was once there now just fading to grey.

"Y'know, bearing up, I suppose..." He muttered, taking a sip from his cup. "I'm just trying to keep myself busy and am focusing on creating the best YouTube content I can. We're still amicable and I still get to see Smudge, so that's something, I guess." He continued but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself that he was doing okay rather than trying to convince you. You understood what it felt like to have your heart broken and him and Shannon were together for around 4.5 years, so he's bound to still feeling heartbroken. "Anyway, enough about my tragic love life, how about you? Any boys on the scene?" 

You felt your cheeks flush at his question. "Yes, actually. He's called Luca and we've been together for around 7 months. Do you know him? He seems to know everyone else here..." You giggled, trying to lift the mood slightly.

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