Preference Four: Your favourite thing to do together...

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Simon Minter/Miniminter: Travelling.

You and Simon absolutely loved travelling together and whenever you both had time off from work, that's exactly what you would do. Depending on the duration of your time off, you would visit multiple places at once and practically lived out of suitcases for weeks on end but the main thing was, you did it together and you couldn't ask for anything more.

Josh Bradley/Zerkaa: Chilling Out At Home.

After a long day at work, you and Josh loved nothing more than just chilling out together in the comforts of your home. You didn't care what you did together; played board games, watched a movie, cooked dinner together... All that mattered to the pair of you was the quality time you were spending together and the warmth you felt when you did so.

Vikram Barn/Vikkstar123: Going On Dog Walks.

You and Vik had recently just gotten your first dog together, a little Cockapoo called Ralph and your favourite thing to do together was take him on long walks. You loved walking hand-in-hand together with Ralph on his lead, just taking in the serenity of the setting around you. What you loved most was, no matter how busy Vik was with work, you would always make time to take Ralph on his daily walk.

Chris Dixon/ChrisMD: Watching Football Together.

Bagging a football loving girl was one of Chris' biggest achievements in life. The two of you loved nothing more than watching your beloved team Arsenal playing, whether that be on television or being immersed in deep in reality, attending matches at the Emirates stadium. Being Chris' girlfriend also came with your own benefits because you loved nothing more than watching Chris showcase his very own footballing skills. After all, he was better at free kicks than most Premier League footballers...

Callum McGinley/Callux: Cooking.

The way to yours and Cal's heart was through your stomachs, so you loved nothing more than spending an evening cooking up a meal. It wasn't always a romantic meal necessarily, but it was always made with thought and love. Sometimes, you would make it a competition, seeing who could cook the best meal of the week, with the loser having to do the dishes.

Callum Airey/Calfreezy: Watching Harry Potter.

You and Callum were always massive Harry Potter fans and one of your most favourite things to do was to spend a full day watching every single movie back to back, with snacks, drinks and a takeaway in the evening. You'd always been a Hufflepuff girl at heart, and Cal Gryffindor. You'd back your houses until the very end but loved nothing more than being curled up together on the sofa, blanket over both of your legs in the comfort and warmth of your apartment.

Ethan Payne/Behzinga: Playing Golf.

You and Ethan had recently taken up golf. He took it a bit more seriously than you did, but you both loved to have a bit of healthy competition to see which one of you could get a hole in one first. It was always Ethan who won because you were awful, but it's one of the things that kept your romance and relationship alive.

JJ Olatunji/KSI: Attending Boxing Fights.

JJ, being a boxer himself, loved nothing more than going to watch other potential opponents fights and you were always willing to go with him. You were very supportive of JJ and his boxing career and were very vocal with your opinions on his potential opponents as well. Is he going to beat Tommy Fury?

Randy/Randolph: Collecting Pokémon Cards.

When you and Randy were together, you were quite nerdy and your favourite thing to do together was collecting Pokémon cards, especially rare ones. The amount of money you'd spent on buying multiple packs of Pokémon cards was actually embarrassing but you loved filming pack openings for his YouTube channel...and lets not even get started on playing Pokémon go... 

Theo Baker: Working Out Together.

You and Theo were a very active couple and loved nothing more than going to the gym multiple times a day together. You acted as each other's personal trainer, hyping up the other and making sure you'd smash every single goal you'd set for yourselves. You'd even signed up to run the London Marathon so needed to get as much exercise in as possible...with a few treats thrown in here and there.

Harry Lewis/Wroetoshaw: Drinking In The Pub.

It came as no secret to anyone that Harry enjoys an alcoholic beverage and it just so happens that you did as well. One of your favourite things to do together was go down to your local pub and indulge in a few drinks, and you loved it even more when a few friends would tag along also. You would spend the evening drinking, laughing and sharing a few odd kisses here and there.

Tobi Brown/TBJZL: Looking After Malachi.

One of the things you loved most about Tobi was how much of a family man he was. One of your favourite things to do together was look after his nephew, Malachi. Tobi was such a doting uncle to his nephew and you couldn't help but picture him as a father and how much he would dote on every single one of his children and one of your main ambitions in life was to make that happen in the future.

Josh Larkin/TheBurntChip/Chippo Crimes: Go Karting.

You and Chip were adrenaline junkies and thrived off it. You loved doing adrenaline-induced activities such as going on rollercoasters, rock climbing but your most favourite activity to do together was Go Karting. The adrenaline rush speeding around a racetrack gave you both was uncharted compared to other activities. You secretly hoped that Chip would invite you to feature in one of his 24 hour Go Karting videos because a bit of healthy competition is what kept your relationship exciting.

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