Chapter 13 - Personal

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 Nightmare sat at the kitchen island, lost in thought as he was essentially blind to the world around him. Horror and Killer milled about the room while Dust remained in his usual spot, occasionally side-eying Nightmare as the taller skeleton stared fuzzily into his coffee mug. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Error at all the past week, and it was beginning to tire him out. The two had been texting more frequently as Nightmare monitored the Reaper situation from a distance. He had briefly informed Error of his visit to the god's dreams but the glitchy skeleton hadn't pressed for the details. Truth be told, Nightmare hadn't remembered his meetings with Geno until that night, having stowed them away due to their apparent insignificance at the time. He wanted to tell Error about them as well, though it wasn't something he felt should be delivered via text. And yet he felt extremely uneasy about seeing his friend after the realization he had come to the last time they had seen each other. Even still, he managed to fall deeper and deeper in love with Error every time he thought about him. It was exhausting. He'd been having difficulties getting to sleep, keeping himself awake with paranoia and worry. Not only was he missing out on his much needed rest, but he had less time in the Dreamscape as well. The whole Multiverse was suffering from his selfish emotions, and he hated himself for it.


The faint voice finally registered in his mind as he snapped his attention away from his coffee mug. Looking up, he realized that all three skeletons in the room were staring directly at him.


It was Dust. Nightmare turned to look at him, eyelight still slightly unfocused as he took in the slightly concerned expression that peeked out from the hooded skeleton's shadow-covered face. "Yes... yes. What is it, Dust?" The confusion and grogginess was apparent in Nightmare's voice. The other skeleton relaxed a bit, seemingly less worried now that the other was responsive again. "Nothing," he spoke nonchalantly. "Though, Killer's been trying to get your attention for about ten minutes."

Nightmare's heart immediately sank. Had he been that spaced out? A hot rush of embarrassment flushed to his face as he turned to Killer, who was leaning against the stove behind Horror's chair. "Wh-What did you need, Killer?"

"Well I was gonna say something dumb," the targeted skeleton replied with a shrug. "But I completely forgot what it was now. Guess that means you're off the hook, boss!" He chuckled at that last part, making his way over to the fridge and beginning to rummage around inside it. Nightmare turned back to his mug, shakily bringing it up to his mouth and taking a sip of the dark liquid. Dust leaned over the counter, still staring at the taller skeleton with a calculating look on his face. "Boss, what's buggin' ya?" Nightmare nearly spit out his coffee at the question. It must be bad if even Dust was checking up on him.

After recomposing himself and setting the mug back down on the island, he turned to Dust. "Nothing's 'bugging' me, Dust. I'm fine. I'm just... very tired." The hooded skeleton gave an unimpressed snort, leaning back in his chair. "'Nothing' my ass, Boss. You've been spacier than Outer all week!" Nightmare lowered his head at Dust's retort, taking another sip of his coffee. "Like I said," he quietly shot back. "I'm very tired." Dust visibly rolled his eyelights from behind the shadows cast by his hood, clearly not buying the excuse even though it was partially true.

Nightmare stood from his chair, casting a glance around the room as Killer shut the fridge door with his hip. "I'm going to my study," he droned tiredly. "Make sure Cross gets something to eat when he wakes up." Killer flashed him a thumbs up as he munched on some cold leftovers, blatantly ignoring the microwave ironically resting right behind his skull. With a nod, Nightmare shambled his way out of the kitchen and down the hall, taking hearty swigs of his coffee in an attempt to wake himself up as he went.

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