Chapter 4 - Close

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Nightmare wasn't surprised that Horror had begun picking up on his change in demeanor recently. Though he was never really in a good mood, it had slowly been getting more and more difficult not to let his overwhelming despair seep out over the past few weeks. Like everyone else, he had good days and he had bad days... and sometimes those bad days lasted for weeks at a time. It didn't get any better when his goons returned from one of their 'missions' to alert him that Dream and Ink had not only fought them, but had asked them to deliver a message to Nightmare as well. Upon seeing their battered state he had insisted that they inform him after allowing him to tend to their wounds, though his curiosity was certainly peaked. As he wound the last cloth bandages around one of Killer's forearms, he finally allowed the trio to deliver their message. Though– it was one he had not been expecting. "Dream thinks you're plannin' somethin' big, Boss," Horror spoke quietly. "Says he n' Ink are tellin' the whole Multiverse to be extra careful." Nightmare turned to face him, mouth pulled taught in a concerned frown. "How so?" His question was spoken more as a command. He needed to know. "Well," Dust piped up. "If today's raid is anything to go by, he's got every Sans out there on high alert." Nightmare raised a brow at this, silently prompting him to continue. Dust turned his gaze on Killer, who shrunk away slightly at the sudden attention. "Ay Target, you wanna tell the Boss what almost happened to ya?" Nightmare instantly whipped his head around to stare at Killer once more. The black-eyed skeleton had his skull tilted towards the ground, shifting uncomfortably. "Killer," Nightmare spoke, his voice low and forcefully even. He was clearly trying his very best not to let his emotions spill over, though whether they were fear or anger one could not be certain. "I-I..." Killer sounded small. Smaller than ever. He was usually so cocky, but ever since they had come back Nightmare had noticed the typically loud skeleton's out of character silence. "Dream nearly dusted him," Horror replied after Killer fell into another silence. He flinched at the large skeleton's words. "Had him pinned ta the ground n' everything," he continued. "Nearly squished his soul in his stupid little gloves," Dust added coldly. "Then his sockets got all wide and he let up. That's when we decided to get the Hell outta there."

Nightmare remained silent as he stared into the distance, attempting to absorb this information. His brother had nearly killed one of his underlings. His brother. Dream. He had never thought him capable of dusting another Monster. And yet here he was, faced with the harsh reality that he had nearly lost one of the only skeletons that would dare get close to him. He felt sick. He wanted to puke. He wanted to scream. He wanted to do something. But he just sat there, staring.

"Boss...?" Killer's raspy voice dragged him from his stupor. He tilted his head upwards to meet the other's eyes again. "Are...Are you mad...?" The question made him feel even more ill. "No! Of course I'm not mad, you dunce! You nearly got yourself killed, I'm just relieved that it was only nearly!" Killer breathed out a sigh of relief as he felt the firm hands of the taller skeleton settle on his shoulders. He felt the warmth of Nightmare's goopy covering through the torn fabric of his hoodie. It was a comforting feeling that helped to calm his nerves a bit, though he knew he would face days of chastising from Dust for that day's close call. "Alright," Nightmare spoke after a few moments of simply holding onto Killer's shoulders. "If the entire Multiverse thinks that we're up to something huge, then they'll be itching to dust you all. None of you are to leave the manor until given further instructions." He stood and brushed the front of his jacket off, sounds of disapproval erupting from around the room. Dust confronted him as he turned to leave. "What?! Why don't we just actually do something if they want us to so bad–"


The room fell silent at Nightmare's outburst. He himself looked a little surprised before he attempted to regain his composure. "No," he whispered softly, attempting to find more words to voice his thoughts. "We can't... We can't rush something like that. It gives them the upper hand." Quiet murmurs of understanding slowly broke out amongst the group, much to Nightmare's relief. "B-But how will we get supplies?!" Horror's face was wrought with terror, twisted in the most fear any of them had ever seen on his broken features. Nightmare approached him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. "I will handle everything," he assured the now slightly shaking skeleton. "As long as you are here I will make certain that you never go without." Horror nodded slightly before coming to another realization. "Wh-What about my brother?! I-Is he gonna be in danger now?! Oh shit! Shit shit shit shit!" Nightmare gave his shoulder a stronger squeeze, causing him to fall silent again and stare up into the glowing cyan eyelight that looked down on him with a tenderness he had never noticed before. "I understand your fear," he murmured. "If you think it wise to travel back and forth as you have been in order to protect him, I don't feel I can persuade you otherwise. I know how much you love your brother." Horror nodded solemnly at this. "Though," he perked up again as Nightmare continued to speak. "I suppose you could attempt to house him here for a while. It may be... safer, seeing as no one can get here without my express permission as opposed to your universe's unprotected passageways."

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