Chapter 11 - Feelings

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As the portal closed up and the barren world was left behind them, Nightmare turned to face his housemates again. They were all still in the kitchen where he had left them, assumedly awaiting his return. As suspected they all stared at the newcomer warily, not once taking their eyes off of his uneasy frame.

"This the fresh meat?" Nightmare shot Killer a glare at the question, taking notice of the uncomfortable shifting beside him. "Killer," he began dryly. "Can you not be insufferable for one day? He's had a rough go of it, much like the rest of you in case you'd forgotten." He glared around the entire room, causing the hostile gazes of his gang to soften a bit. It was barely noticeable, though Nightmare knew them in and out. He could pick up on the slightest change in their faces, the faintest glimmer in their eyes, the tiniest hint of a smile. He knew them well.

"Need I remind you all that at one point we all met for the first time," he continued. "I ask that you show– ah, I'd forgotten to ask for your name." He turned his attention back to his side, adding in a quick, "Well, aside from 'Sans', that is."

Their eyes met for a moment before the smaller skeleton opened his mouth to speak. "Call me Cross," he murmured. With a nod, Nightmare turned back to address the room once more. "Show Cross here the same hospitality I've shown each of you. That shouldn't be too hard for you lot, should it?" Quiet murmurs of confirmation traveled about the room as the group of skeletons shared looks. They all turned back to Cross, staring at him with more curiosity than hostility this time.

"So what's his deal?" Killer leaned back against the counter, not taking his eyes off of Cross. "Yeah," Dust piped up. "We got another genocidal maniac in the group?" Killer looked over to Dust, a glimmer of mischief in his empty sockets. "Or does he just have a shitty home like Horror ya think?" The previously quiet skeleton turned his harsh red eyelight towards Killer, a low growl rumbling from his pseudo-throat as if warning the other to shut up. In response Killer merely stuck out his tongue, smiling mischievously.

"Alright, that's enough," Nightmare asserted, watching as the room turned to him once more, falling quiet. "Don't theorize about Cross' past, it's rude. Especially considering he's right here." He turned to look down at the monochromatic skeleton who appeared to have shrunk in on himself. Nightmare's tone softened as he looked sympathetically at Cross. "If he wishes to discuss it he will, and if not we won't push." He looked back at the rest of his gang, making sure they understood the softspoken order.

"Now then," he began again, tone once more authoritative. "I'll be in my study. I'd prefer not to be bothered unless there's an emergency, understood?" The gang nodded. With a soft smile, Nightmare turned his attention once more to Cross, leaning down to place a hand on his shoulder. "If you need anything, let me know. Feel free to explore the manor or have someone show you around." Cross tentatively smiled back and nodded. With a final pat to the smaller skeleton's shoulder, Nightmare began making his way to his study.

As soon as he was inside with the door locked, he grabbed the towel from his desk and wiped his hands as clean as possible. He pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to Error, waiting barely a moment before a glitching portal opened and the aforementioned skeleton slumped tiredly down into the pile of bean bags that lay around the carpeted floor. Nightmare Looked at him, slightly amused as he spoke. "Well, that was certainly fast. No need to be convinced this time?" He began making his way towards the bean bags as a sigh drew itself from Error's still frame. "I'm too stressed to care," came his quiet response. Nightmare looked more worried as he began registering the severe negativity that radiated from Error as he neared. Carefully he sat down beside the glitchy skeleton, unsure of whether or not he should attempt to physically comfort his friend. He knew that Error's haphephobia was less often triggered by him, though it wasn't impossible for his touch to cause a bluescreen. It had only happened once around the time they first had met, and since then Nightmare had resolved to be extra careful.

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