Chapter 2 - Night

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"I'll never understand you, Night," Error murmured as he gently stroked his glitching hand across the freshly-exposed bone of Nightmare's skull. The taller skeleton was laying on his side with his head resting against Error's crossed legs. "That's alright," the hushed baritone replied, his eye socket softly closing as he embraced the touch. "I don't need you to understand. Whatever we have going on is enough as it is." Error hummed thoughtfully in response, continuing his gentle petting of the other's skull. A minute of comfortable silence passed before Nightmare spoke again. "Did you want to watch your show or something? We don't have to just sit here doing nothing." Error gently scratched at the back of Nightmare's skull, eliciting a pseudo-purr from the imposing skeleton. The sweetness of the sound caused a content smile to spread across his blue tear-stained face. "You sure? I know it's not really your thing," he questioned. Nightmare hummed with a smile, nodding his head ever so slightly so as not to disturb either party from their comfortable position. "At least it's a break from the mansion," he murmured quietly, nuzzling his cheek into the fabric of Error's sweatpants. The glitchy skeleton was dressed rather casually, more so than he typically was for Nightmare's visits due to the impromptu nature of this one. He still had on his blue scarf and round-frame glasses, but aside from that he simply wore a black t-shirt and sweats. He knew his friend didn't care– and most likely didn't even take notice –but he still tucked into himself as much as he could, feeling a bit exposed without his jacket. Part of him wished to get up and put it on, but most of him didn't feel like moving from his spot on the floor with Nightmare curled up in his lap.

Error lifted his other arm up, commanding a web of navy blue strings to gently set down the little boxy television he had stolen from some AU ages ago. He had forgotten exactly which one. Another cluster of strings brought the remote down to his hand and he took it, turning on the T.V. and flicking through the channels until he found what he was searching for: Undernovela. He couldn't tell you why exactly he loved that universe so much, but he certainly could talk about it for hours. Even though he knew Nightmare wasn't much of a fan, the two would occasionally watch it together. Well– Error would watch it, Nightmare would usually take a nap. Either way they both enjoyed spending the time together, forgetting about what the world thought of them. When it was just them, they didn't need to feel like the monsters they were made to be. When it was just them, all that mattered was each other.


"Here," Nightmare grumbled as one of his tentacles carelessly tossed a carton of milk towards Killer. The empty-eyed skeleton frantically struggled to catch it, nearly fumbling it onto the ground. "Hey! No need to throw it at me!" Nightmare turned and shot him a glare in response. "No need to wake me up over milk, either, Killer." The shorter skeleton opened his mouth to reply before huffing and turning to put the milk in the fridge. Nightmare began walking back out of the kitchen, Dust eying him in silence from his place at the kitchen island as he left. Horror closed a cabinet with his hip as he shifted his attention to his groupmates, shoveling snacks into his mouth from the box he had tucked under his arm. "S'it just me or is Boss... moodier than usual?" Killer let out an over dramatic gasp, slamming the fridge door shut as he looked at horror with mock surprise painted all over his face. "No, really?! I hadn't noticed!"

Horror growled, his singular red eye squinting aggressively at Killer. "No need to be such an ass, Target." His voice was gravelly and he looked about ready to fight. "Oh shut up, Crater," Killer shot back with a venom. The two skeletons growled at each other like wild animals fighting over territory. Dust watched them with unamused eyes from behind the shadow cast by his hood. "Guys, guys," he began tauntingly. "You're both stupid. Can we drop it?" Horror and Killer turned their hostile gazes on Dust, glaring at him with bared teeth. He merely rolled his eyelights and rested his chin on his palm, pulling out his phone and continuing to speak without looking up from it. "Yeah, you're right, Boss is clearly super pissy right now. Not like it matters, though. Even if we asked he wouldn't tell us anything. Plus he's just like that sometimes." He looked back up at the skeletons before him, their hostility having faded as they stared intently at him. "But, I mean, hey. If you wanna go bother him about it I'll gladly help plan your funeral." He smirked at them as they glared at him once more.

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