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Male Naga Demon x Male Elf Reader

You quickly got changed and headed over to makeshift barracks where the military men and women are resting in. You were one of three elves in the groups that was sent here on this island. You were also the only male elf out of the three elves. One female elf is with the scientists and the other one is with the military. You go back and forth to make sure they were okay. You three weren't treated equally. All because you were a different species. You hated that but you were scared to say anything because you know how greedy and dangerous humans can be.

The first person to see you walking into the barracks was Caerwyn, the female elf who is from your hometown. The female scientist, Katka, is from the town next to yours. Caerwyn walked up to you and gave you a hug. This was normal. Both female elves would hug you when they first see you. Probably because they felt safe with you and not with the humans. Which you understand completely. You rest your left hand on her shoulder after she let go of you.

"What's the agenda today?" You asked her.

"They'll going to have you track down something. Track down what?" She shrugged her shoulders, "No clue."

"Figures. They don't tell us anything. What else is new."

You patted her back to tell her to go back and that you were leaving. She waved goodbye before turning around and walked away. You walked past the group of humans, who were staring at you. Some were glaring with hatred or jealously or both. While others were admiring your beauty. Even though you've been with them for months now, on this remote island. You stood in front a pair of doors and knocked twice on the door, "May I come in?" You asked.

The figures behind the pair of doors immediately recognized your voice. They allowed you to go in the room. When you walked in, you saw the General of the military army, who are currently in the barracks, and his right hand man, and two of the main scientists. The room was full of men. You were glad that you weren't in the room by yourself with the General because he is a creep and likes to touch you. You are the only he tries to touch and 'flirt' with. You hated it. The scientists and the General was happy to see you while the right hand man wasn't. And you knew why.

"(Y/N)! Perfect timing!" The General cheered, "Come sit." The General pointed to his chair.

"No, thank you," you politely declined, "I am just here to know what I'm tracking down today."

"Oh," the General looked disappointed, "You heard already?"

"Yes, General."

"Well," the taller scientist chimed in, "We don't know exactly the name of it but," He walked over and stood next to you while showing you pictures of tracks it has left, "We believe it could be a giant serpent or snake like creature."

"So, we're tracking down Kaa from the Jungle Book?" You questioned while trying to joke a little.

"Similar but bigger."

You were taken back by how serious they were being. Noticing your taken back expression, the right hand man started to walk toward you, keeping a straight face. You looked up to see that still has that hatred glaze over his eyes. He can fool his General but not you. Eyes don't lie. You were taught that by your parents. You stared into his eyes. Not backing down. You saw a hint of redness on his cheeks. He looked away, embarrassed and angry.

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