Ups and Downs

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Nuri was sick of walking. Her people were not nomadic, and she well remembered all the stories her father told of the time her people had come to these islands and settled down. Now, many generations later, their descendants still walked the same lands. It was not in her blood to wander. She began to wonder if Jack had a homeland, or if his people all followed the stars.

Lantern could tell his companion was tiring out. She grew more quiet and sullen day by day, her eyes losing their sparkle. It would be another week before he thought they would reach his target destination, their pace slowed by the mountainous terrain around them. They could not climb the peaks, so Lantern had chosen the longer route through the passes because he figured it would be easier on Nuri. Although she seemed to be recovering well and did not tremble with fatigue when they stopped to rest, she was pale, every movement deliberate and slow.

As the sky darkened with rain for the afternoon showers, they sought shelter among trees while it saturated the earth. Sitting side by side under the large leaves that sheltered them, the pair made every effort to avoid contact. Nuri was uncomfortable with his nearness and was careful not to look in his direction. Only those who took the vows of 'yomweta' were to be in such proximity to someone not related by blood. This was not the only cause of the discomfort, however.

She was not a free woman, being given away by her father to one of the fiercest warriors in their nation. She belonged to Topan. The thought of him was enough to make her break out in a sweat, a rock forming in her stomach.

The blackness of his eyes reminded her of a bottomless pit, with no soul, no feelings. He would be seeking her, and the last time she had barely escaped without severe punishment for abandoning him. Running away after bearing a son with no life was tantamount to spitting upon her people, despising everything they believed in. Yet somehow, she could not go back to him, even knowing what was in store if she were caught. Topan was merciless once he had been insulted.

Nuri recalled watching him viciously beat a man for taking the first pick after a ceremonial hunt when Topan was the hunter who had killed the tigress and her cubs. What would he do to a woman who refused to bear his children? She shuddered at the thought, folding her arms tighter around her knees.

Lantern could tell Nuri was uncomfortable with his being so near and tried his best not to crowd her. Her studious avoidance of meeting his eyes had not gone unnoticed, and he realized it must be part of her culture. Though puzzling, it was not offensive to him. He preferred limited contact with people, especially after his mother's death. Yet, despite the space between them, Lantern felt it when she shuddered. Taking a subtle glance he saw silent tears streaking down her face.

Wondering if she grieved for her son, he reached out only to stop halfway, his hand suspended in mid-air. Putting it back down, Jack looked away. She had chosen to weep in silence and he wanted to respect her wishes. By the time the rain stopped so had her tears and when they came out from under the leaves her face was dry. The air was moist, smelling strongly of wet earth and vegetation.

"We should keep going." He spoke without turning to look at her, his eyes scanning the area. "We'll need a place to stop for the night."

When she did not respond, he glanced over his shoulder at her. Nuri faced away from him, her head tilted to one side. Seeing what she was staring at, Lantern found himself entranced as well.

The sun was burning brightly, but it was the color of blood, and the sky had turned various shades of pink, orange, and grey. The wind picked up and began to blow steadily from the northeast. Nuri turned to face him, her hair swirling around her like black lace.

"Jack, ug ih ga ypoow jim! Jim!" She had to raise her voice to be heard over the rush of wind.

"What?" He could barely make out her voice and the mildly cold temperature suddenly dropped.

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