12: The Shadower's Backstory

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"What about this one?" Siimii, Zud's girlfriend, asked, showing Zud a book. "Sea etiquette isn't going to help right now, Siimii." Zud said. Wisp walks into the library, with the books Zud requested. "Uh, Zud? Are you okay?" Zud asked, concerned. "I just unleashed ultimate evil and doomed Earth because I was obsessed with meeting my idol! Why wouldn't I be okay?!" Zud exclaimed, then slamming his head on the table. "You didn't know that was gonna happen." Wisp said. "But I should have listened to you and left things alone. Now the Elements of Harmony will be lost to fix my mistake!" Zud trembled. "Maybe there's another way." Zud said. "If there is, Zud will find it." Siimii, said believing in her boyfriend. Excitement filled the air when Zud realized a potential solution involving portal magic. "Portal gate... Portal keys... Portal spells... Yes! If the Pillars can hold open the gateway to hell, a powerful person can do the banishing spell himself! Do you know what this means?" Zud exclaimed.

"I can stop carrying books?" Siimii said, panting, until she collapsed with a ton of books. "The Pillars don't have to leave Earth! Even though we'll lose the Elements, we'll have the people that created them. And the Shdower will be banished for good!" Zud exclaimed. "That's great. Heh. But I was thinking of another way that maybe doesn't involve banishing at all?" Wisp suggested. "Slogo knew what he was doing when he cast that spell. If I can make it even better, maybe he'll see that I take magic as seriously as he does." Zud said.

"It seems there are fewer dark corners in the realm these days." Slogo pondered. "Isn't that a good thing?" Chrissy asked. "True. The Shadower will have a hard time regaining power. When he rears his head, we'll be ready!" Jelly exclaims, and Chrissy and Jelly toasted with their apple juices. "Isn't there some way to banish him without losing all of you?" Mitzefy asked. "Oh, I wish there were." Sigils said. But to save our home, we are willing to leave it."

"I don't think you'll have to! My spell isn't finished yet, but I think we can send the Shadower to hell without all of you having to go as well!" Zud exclaimed. "While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Zud, this is hardly the time to take risks on half-baked spells." Slogo quipped. Zud sighs as he realised his spells weren't going to please Slogo the Wizard.

"Beggin' your pardon, Mr. the Slug! But Zud doesn't do anything halfway!" Jerome stated. "Especially not magic!" GarryBlox added. "Seriously! He got his wings by finishing one of your spells!" Chrissy exclaimed, pointing to his wings. "I think you'll find his work is worth reading before you dismiss it out of hand!" Kate stated. "While it is an unconventional approach, I believe it could work." Sigils said, reading the spell. "Hmm. I suppose there is a chance." Slogo agreed. "But we still have no idea where to find the villain." Crainer quipped. "I think I can try something, but I don't know if it'll work. It's been decades since I last used it." Henwy replied, removing the glowpaz necklace from his neck and placed it in the middle of the map table. The glowpaz necklace started to glow, and a magical green arrow appears pointing to a certain location. "I didn't know glowpaz necklaces can do that. Impressive." Sigils said in awe. "Thanks, I just realised this not too long before we vanished hundred years later." Henwy replied. The Voided Shades?" Jerome stated. "Weren't they abandoned centuries ago?"

"Hmm, that's odd. The only time the map's called all of us to one place was Wisp's village." Kate quipped. "So it's like a super-villain tracker!" Chrissy exclaimed. "No offense." She added. Wisp raised an eyebrow. "Do you think the map could be trying to tell us where the Shadower is?" Zud inquired. Hmm... The Tree of Harmony acting to protect the light of the realm... Yes. A good thought, Zud." Slogo replies, making Zud squeal. "I will make my notes on this spell. Ready yourselves for battle." Slogo instructed.

"Uh, I know I'm not as experienced as all of you, but is banishment really the only option? I mean, it's been a long time. Maybe the Shadower is ready to talk?" Wisp suggested. I doubt we can save our homeland with a conversation." Slogo said, dismissing the question. "But we could try." Wisp quipped. "Kit, I'm sure Slogo and the others did try." Zud stated. "The Shadower was not interested in reconciliation. Once a villain, always a villain. Zud, Crainer, would you accompany me? I wish to refine this spell for our use."Slogo replied.

Wisp sighs. "I know Slogo is a great wizard, but this whole plan seems... wrong. The map's only ever sent us to solve friendship problems." Wisp quipped. "Maybe so, but the Shadower doesn't really seem like the 'friendship' type." Siimii stated. "Honestly? We don't know anything about him." Wisp replied. "Well, nobody does." Siimii said, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's not entirely true."

The other Pillars were making changes to their artefacts as some were chipped, and the others prepared for battle by practicing their former moves, as it has been centuries since they last fought. "You all knew the Shadower before he became what he is now. You must've been friends. So what happened?" Wisp asked as he walked in. "The tale of our rift is a sad one." Nico replies.

"SSundee was a person like the rest of us, though more scholar than hero. He recognized our emerging world would need champions to defend it."

"He may have gathered us together, but he himself was just an ordinary person who soon grew jealous of our abilities." Jelly quipped.

"He stole objects from each of us. Artefacts to use in a spell." Biffle added.

"And we cast him out for it." Sigils replied.

"We always thought he'd return and seek forgiveness. But when we saw him again, his heart was bent on revenge. He dashed even my hope of saving him." Henwy quipped.

"But why did he steal the artefacts from you?" Wisp asked.

"No doubt it was an enchantment to take our powers for himself." Sigils replied.


Wisp approaches Slogo and Zud again, still curious about SSundee's true motives back then. "That looks like a lot of work." Wisp replied. "It is what must be done, and it would be best if we were not disturbed." Slogo replied coldly. "I'm sorry, Kit, but we can't stop to talk. The stakes are too high, and we have to-" Zud began but Wisp cuts him off. "Banish SSundee to hell. I get it." Wisp quipped. "Uh... who?" Crainer asked. "SSundee was the name the Shadower gave up when he turned to darkness." Slogo replied.

"And I'm just trying to figure out why." Wisp stated. "Envy. He wanted more power than he had, and that desire led him down a path from which there is no return!" Slogo replies coldly. "I know from experience that's not always true. When the map called you six to my village, it was for a friendship problem. Are you sure this is different?" Wisp asked. Zud stammered. "I..."

"SSundee wants to destroy all that is good in this world. There's no way to befriend a person like that." Slogo quipped. "I guess I'm lucky your idol wasn't around when you decided to be my friend. I might've been banished to hell, too." Wisp said angrily to Zud, slamming the door behind him. 

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