9: Retrieving the Artefacts

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Back at Nico's old village, A child, around seven years old, discovers what appears to be the headpiece of an ancient guard group. "Mom! It's a Mighty Helm headpiece! Maybe it belonged to Nico himself!" the child excitedly exclaims. The mother gently corrects her, "Legends don't wear helmets. This belonged to a real person." Jerome interjects, "Oh, I can guarantee Nico was as real as you and me." The mother chuckles and teases, "And I suppose that ravine was dug with his trusty shovel to save the village from an erupting volcano?" Jerome replies with a grin, "Probably." "I love old legends as much as anybody. But a person strong enough to save a village from rushing lava with a shovel is... preposterous."

In the background, two men attempt to break a boulder, but their efforts cause a smaller stone to roll toward them. The mother and daughter panic, but Jerome, displaying remarkable strength, halts the boulder and kicks it away. The mother is astonished, exclaiming, "I can't believe you just did that. Y-You saved us!" Jerome quips, "I bet if you told somebody else the story, it might sound... 'preposterous.'" The men, pointing at a mini temple, revealing Nico's shovel on display. The mother reflects, "I suppose some stories might be true..." When Jerome picks up the shovel and it lights up, the mother's doubts fade. "And Nico's appears to be one of them."

Back at Biffle's old village, Kate opens the gate, seeing a poor garden covered with leaves and vines, but enough of that, Biffle's flower was sitting in the middle of the garden. Attempting to take it back, she tries taking it but someone, using her magic, smacks her hand with a garden trowel. Kate yelps. "You keep those hands to yourself, dearie!" A woman, appeared to be named Mia, shrieks. "This place has been in my family for generations, and I'm not about to let some whippersnapper take the last good piece of it! Time was, people came from far and wide to see these gardens. But that flower's the only worthwhile thing left!" She quipped.

Kate looks at the garden in despair, but thought of an idea. She takes the garden trowel and garden shears and starts to snip all the leaves covering the beautiful garden. Mia looks at the garden, and then looking at Kate, who was in a mess after cutting all those leaves and hedges. "Perhaps it just seemed like your gardens were worthless. But a little pruning can work wonders." Kate said. "Of course you will have to look after more than just one flower now." She added. "You've given me back my family's legacy. The flower you wanted seems like a fair trade for that." Sha said. She gives the flower to Kate and the flower lights up, signalling that she has found the ancient artefact.

Back at the forest, the Cajun accent man, Jon, was getting the flash bees to get back to their hive, but they were attracted to Sigils's healing mask. "Just remember not to turn away from them, Jon. Flash bees can get pretty aggressive." Mitzefy warned. Hiding in the grass, there were the bayou animals whimpering. "I guess that's why none of the other bayou animals can get to the water." She stated. "Wouldn't it make more sense for you to wear the mask that calms the bees?" Jon asked. "It would... if I didn't have to fly up here to move their hive." Mitzefy replied.

Blessed with the ability of flight, she flew to the tree where the flash bees' hive were and placed it higher. Jon immediately hides behind a nearby bush, and the flash bees flew back up to the hive. "Now the other bayou creatures can get to the water without the bees feeling threatened." Mitzefy said. "You know, you didn't have to help with this. I would've lent you the mask anyway." Jon replied. "I know," Mitzefy said, giggling. "But I couldn't leave without helping." She added, and when she grabs the mask, the mask lights up, stating that she have fond the artefact.

Back at the Village of Martin, there were many villagers who were looking at the pit full of slime, which a certain someone had went in to get the ancient artefact. "I don't think anybody can find anything in there." A villager said. "I wouldn't give up hope just yet." Isla, one of Henwy's descendants, assured him. Soon after, the slime pit gets drained, and PatP, another one of Henwy's descendants, nearly fell into the pit as it was getting drained. and there came out GarryBlox, who was in scuba gear, holding a slimy blindfold. "This old blindfold was stuck in the drain!" GarryBlox exclaimed. "Weren't you looking for a blindfold?" PatP asked. "Oh, yeah!" GarryBlox replied, and he jumps out of his scuba gear, grabbing the blindfold. The blindfold lights up, signalling that all the ancient artefacts were found.

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