. 21 belgian business

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Taylor Swift

"Are you excited to go back?"

Meadow and Max are in her room, because it's time to pack her stuff up again. Max is just there to keep her company, he's slouched against her headbord.

"Yes! I missed being in the car!" he answers her question. "Are you?"

A sigh escapes her. "I don't know. I'm not ready to face all that drama again, these past few weeks have been so nice."

Max nods, he's been so supportive for her this summer. Daniel and him literally gave up their summer break to be there for her, and she'll be eternally grateful for that. The weeks in Monaco have actually been nice, in between the dramatic events though.

But summer is over, and it's time to go back racing. Or for Meadow, it's time to make tiktoks again. Spa is next on the calendar, which is exciting because she loves the track. The three of them are flying out tommorow, she won't be going home first. After Spa, it's straight to Zandvoort and then straight to Monza. After these slow weeks, it'll surely be a transition again.

"Okay, done!" Slamming her suitcase shut, she falls down next to Max.

He turns his head in her direction. "Hi"

"Hi," she smiles.

"Don't worry Meads, it'll be fine."

"I know," she says, shrugging her shoulders. "Now, tell me about this Kelly."

Max turns around next to her, hiding his face in one of her pillows. "I was waiting for this question, I'm surprised it took you a week."

She smiles, and hits his side playfully.

"Okay, okay. It was really nice talking to her, but nothing happened of course. Plus, she has a kid, so she probably wouldn't even have time for me."

"You don't know that! You two seemed to hit it off pretty well last week!"

Max groans into the pillow. "I don't know!"

"Why don't you invite her to a race?" she suggests.

    "Invite who to a race?" They both look up to see Daniel standing in the doorway. A grin is plastered on his face, nothing makes him happier than some juicy gossip.

"Nobody!" Max yells.

Across the room, Daniel's eyes find hers, and he wiggles his eyebrows. "Sure Maxie"

A pillow suddenly flies through the air, heading in Daniel's direction. Ducking down, she starts laughing. "Boys, behave!"

The pillow lands right in front of Daniel's feet, which earns a big grin from him.

"I'm serious!" she yells, slightly kidding. " I don't want Christian or Zak coming for me because you two kill eachother under my watch!"


"Hey, Meadow!"

The calling of her name grasps her attention. "Christian! Hi!"

Her boss walks up to her, leaving some of their other coworkers behind in the hospitality suite. "How was your summer? Did that virus bug you too much?"

It takes a few seconds for it to register, a few seconds too long. "Oh! No, I was fine after a week or something!" There was no virus, obviously. It was the excuse she used to skip the weekend in Hungary.

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