. 8 monaco magic

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Riton, Nightcrawlers, Mufasa & Hypeman

"I've gotta give it to you Olive, you sure know how to throw a party!" The trio of girls have joined Max and Daniel on their private jet. It's sunday now, the race was just a mere few hours ago. Max won, luckily, which raised the team's spirits a bit again.

  "So fun that you just had to invite Lando, did you?" Meadow's still a bit salty about it. The surprising interaction first thing in the morning didn't really please her.

"Oh will you please shut up about that already! I told you I'm sorry. I really don't understand what it is between you two." Daniel tries to defend himself.

The girls won't hear about it though, but fortunately, Max sweeps in and steers the conversation away from the sensitive topic. He asks everyone about their plans the upcoming week. They've all got a week at home, before the race weekend in Monaco starts.

"Why are you two going back to England anyways?" Ruby asks the two drivers.

  "Well, Heidi's got this thing in London, plus Zak wanted us to come to the factory this week. So I figured I'd squeeze a few days of London before we go back to my place in Monaco." Daniel is the first out of the pair to respond.

"Yeah well, I'm just gonna do some sim work at the factory, Monaco is a tricky circuit." Max fills them in on his reasons too.

"Well, thanks for letting us join you on your flight guys, you really shouldnt have." Meadow thanks the pair again. It's the first time she's ever flied private. It's truly an experience to say the least.

  "That's what friends are for, right Maxie?" Max cringes as Daniel throws his arm around him. At the sight, Ruby and Olive exchange a strange look, but they try to hide it from Meadow by shrugging it off.

"So, Meadow, what are you going to do this week?" Olive's interest in her plans spikes suddenly.

Meadow responds with her plan for the next week. She's going to visit her mom for a few days, before coming back to the factory for work and eventually flying out with the team later that week.


Later that evening, Meadow and her mom are catching up over a glass of wine in her mom's living room.

"So, was your flight here alright?"

  "Yes it was, we flew home with Max and Daniel, in his private plane." She still can't believe that's a normal sentence for her to say now. Her parents were never rich like Ruby's and Olive's. She's still not quite used to this luxurious lifestyle.

"Oh yeah right you have!" Her mom doesn't believe her. She doesn't follow the sport at all, so Meadow takes it she still doesn't understand how elite the little world is.

  "I swear I did mom!" It takes her a little convincing before her mom believes her. They continue to talk about Meadow's new life, since it's their first chance to catch up in person. Because she's just been staying at her flat in Oxford inbetween races.

Meadow's mom asks her about the drivers. If she's met all of them and if they were nice to her. She tells her about Max and Daniel, who've already become her friends in such a short period of time. And she tells her about Checho, and how she met Pierre and Charles.

"There's just this one guy, Lando Norris. He is Daniel's teammate and they're really great friends. But he's just unbelievably rude to me everytime we've crossed paths!"

  "Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear that." Her mother responds. "But I guess not everyone you meet can be a nice guy. I'm sure it's nothing you've done."

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