. 19 birthday bash

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It takes two days for Ruby to even respond to her message.

It makes her heart ache, that her close friends find it so easy to ignore her. Ever since the French GP, she hasn't seen them in person anymore, and their texts get more and more sporadic.

Ruby's reply is the one she was expecting. She says she has no idea what Meadow is talking about. The tone in her message is the same passive agressive one that Olive used.

It gives her absolutely no clarity. Out of the two parties, one must be lying. Ruby and Olive are her best friends, they should be the ones she believes in. But why is there a little nagging voice at the back of her brain then? Why is it telling her to listen to Lando, that he can't be making this up?

She listens to Daniel's suggestion, and let's the situation simmer down a little bit. She'll talk to them in person next week.

Speaking of next week, Max keeps her busy enough with the preparations for her birthday party. She would be happy with a small celebration, with her closest friends, but Max wants to go all out.

When she found out he asked Martin Garrix to DJ at her party, she yelled at him for two minutes straight. Her birthday is not that important to her. Of course, she loves her birthday, but it's not important enough for one of the world's most famous DJ's to come play.

After Max reassured her Martin Garrix loved to come, and he's one of their best friends, she finally relaxed a little. The idea of a big party had to settle down a little in her mind, she still isn't really in the right headspace for so much attention on her. But eventually, she starts to get excited for Monday.

Before they can celebrate though, she has to decide on a guest list. It's nagging her brain a little, because she doesn't really have that many friends. Olive, Ruby, Daniel and Max are basically her only friends.

When she tells Max this, he exclaims that it's stupid and not true.

She decides to let him handle the guest list, which pulls a weight off her chest. All that's left for her to do is invite her two best friends. She has no idea how hard it will be, if they still want to see her after her text.

That night, she rips the bandaid off and calls them. Olive is first on her list, she'll call Ruby afterwards.

The phone rings four times before she finally picks up.


"Hi!" Olive chimes back, but the tone in her voice sets Meadow off a little.

"I was just calling to invite you to my birthday party on monday. I understand if you can't come, because it's in Monaco. But I'd love for you to be there!" she rambles on.

"Oh. Yeah, I'll be there. I'm in Monaco anyways so it's no big deal."

She's in Monaco? This information is new to her, she had no idea that one of her best friends is literally in the same city as her. Monaco is not big, how hasn't she run into her yet?

"Oh? Well, I'm happy you can make it! I'll text you the details, but like I said it's on monday and it's at Max' place."

"Of course it is."

Meadow sighs, what is that even supposed to mean? She brushes it off though, she doesn't want to ruin their friendship even further. She's already hoping they'll forgive her for her lack of trust in them, she doesn't want to lower her chances even more.

"Well, have fun in Monaco! And I'll see you monday!"

"Thanks. See you."

The line goes dead.

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