The 1st wound.

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Since she didnt accept the baloon, he give it to another friend that who gladly accepted it, thanked and appreciate it with a smile that who just came in the meeting place. The group is still not complete, some are still not yet arrived. So he chat with the other guys and gals until they decided to wait no more for the others to came. They played arcade games in an amusement park. He feel rejected for nothing, that girl was not special or anything? He doesnt know why he's like that? Getting excited and getting hurt? Until the remaining members arrived. She hugged a guy who she just met in the day where he just met her. He felt like " that guy is special? I was the one to be hugged! Why him? I was the one who fetched her? And that, that guy! Argh! Why? Am I ugly? Am I irritating? I was the one who gives attention to her everytime but shes the one who doesnt appreciate! I...I dont expect to be hugged argh nevermind! Why Am I thinking this?" The group play to their heart contents, chats, laughs, selfies, videos, stolen shots, but He still remain silent. Well, he is that type of guy, a silent type. She noticed that the girl suddenly paltipates due to exhaustion of non stop gaming. He quickly buy an energy drink for her to drink and comfort her body. She once again declined the offer, making him more sad. To do not mind his sadness, he played arcade to his heart content. Until the go home time, he remain silent, many of his friends notice but not her, for him, she was spacing out from him. Its the time were they seperate their own paths. He still escort her but until she can ride a bus home. He said "Good bye! Take care!" She said "Bye!!". He was expecting to be thanked but no, or maybe a friendly good bye hug? But nothing. He felt lonely, it was like his efforts where wasted. Maybe he was expecting too much from a person who would not notice him. All he can do is to think positive so his sadness cant be noticed by his friend. They finally seperate their paths, says good bye and huggin each other and say thanks for the time to everyone in the group.

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