part 4: ill never let you go (SFW)

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y/n pov:
i lay in bed, exhausted. i hear the onceler cooking something outside but i'm too tired to get up.

after a few minutes, the onceler comes into bed and cuddles me for a few minutes. "i love you y/n, you're my whole world. i've never met anyone as beautiful as you, as sweet and kind as you, and no one as caring. i love you to the very end, and i will. always and forever.

you'll always be my number one girl, my best friend, everything. you mean everything to me. i couldn't love you more darling."

he said to me as he cuddled me. "i love you so much. i made you breakfast." i smiled widely, realising how lucky i was to have such a great man.

i get up and walk to the kitchen, where i see two plates with eggs and bacon. he smiles and tells me to take a seat. i take a seat next to him, and we eat together.

"you know, we've spent so much time doing... dirty stuff... that i haven't been able to introduce you to my job and everything.

i'm going to take you out and show u everything." he grabs my hand and leads me out of his cottage, and he takes me deep into the forest.

we stumble further in and i see a long table and at the end of that table sat a orange bear looking thing.

what's even stranger is that this orange little thing has a christmas hat on and is spawning up presents in his hands made out of mud to shove under the random scattered trees.

what the fuck is that thing it looks demented and it's only august. the onceler just stares at me and laughs.

"yeah it's like rlly brain damaged ignore it."

he grabs my hand and pulls me away, showing me the beauty of the trees and the beauty of the bears and the fish.

he pet my head and took me to his factory.

there were leaves spread everywhere and some beautiful fabric things that look fucking useless everywhere.

there was money scattered all over the floor, covered in a strange white substance.

the onceler showed me around some more, and then took me outside back with the trees.

he went under one beautiful pink and yellow one, and got down on one knee.

i thought he was going to give me head.

he went down on one knee and held up a ring pop.

"y/n, ur the most amazing girl i've ever met. you're so beautiful, kind, loyal, pretty and just simply perfect. i've never loved anyone more than you, and i'd love nothing more but to spend the rest of my life with you. y/n, will you marry me?"

i gasped, so happy he proposed. YES! YES I LOVE YOU ONCIE I LOVE YOU!! UR MY WHOLE WORLD AND ID LOVE TO SPEND MY WHOLE LIFE WITH YOU!!" i screamed ecstatically

"i love you y/n" he says as he slips the ring pop on my finger. and we both suck passionately on it together.

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