A small mishap (kaeyaxreader)

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      I rushed out of my apartment, clutching my purse in one hand and a coat laying on my other arm.
I missed him so much.. I wonder if he's okay. This was a rare occasion, the one and only Chivalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius got seriously injured, and poor (y/n) is convinced that it's all their fault. 

       The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, the sky above still dark, the moon starting to set from the opposite side. The air was cold, as it had rained heavily the passing night, though there was no longer any sign of it in the sky.

      (Y/n) ran through the still asleep, tired village of Springvale, not giving a care as to their clothes getting wet from running into puddles every now and then. They didn't care about how their lungs were about to give in to all that running not long after waking. (Y/n) woke up at 4 a.m. in a sudden cold sweat, having had a nightmare about Kaeya, still assuming it was their fault. (Y/n) had been out in Stormterror's lair with the Chivalry Captain. He'd voluntarily gone along with (y/n) to accompany them as they gathered crystal chunks for the local Mondstadt weapon smith.

        However, an unexpected situation came up, as they were faced with a particularly difficult challenge— a hilichurl camp consisting of multiple hilichurls and three mitachurls. (Y/n) had panicked; they weren't used to situations like this and broke into tears. Due to their sudden breakdown, Kaeya had gotten distracted trying to calm them down, and at that moment, an axe mitachurl had landed a strike hard on his back, causing him to fall hard and hurt his nose in the process too. Due to the shock, (y/n) had stopped crying and gotten up, hoisted the barely conscious man's arm onto their shoulder and ran away; falling to the ground many times and injuring themselves (while trying to fight off the hilichurls) quite a bit too.

      Barbara had been in a panic when they both reached the gates of Mondstadt after many hours of walking, Kaeya now unconscious due to the wound on his back, (y/n) barely standing, knees buckling. Barbara had called some knights for help, frantic about the Chivalry Captain's heavy blood loss, and (y/n) remembers a shiver running down their spine, Mondstadt slowly spinning further and further away from them, as they collapsed from tiredness.

    Though (y/n) had recovered quite well after a day's rest, Barbara didn't look too good. Every time she saw them, she'd look panicked and frantically run off when she sees them. (Y/n) had been thinking about plenty worst case scenarios before, so this didn't calm their overworked mind or hardly pounding heart at all. And to top it off, Barbara wouldn't let them visit Kaeya, which once questioned, she would (very obviously) lie through her teeth saying he's recovering, and that broke (y/n)'s heart more than they could imagine. All they could do was stay blaming themselves over and over for the past few weeks.

    So this time, (y/n) finally took it upon themselves to go visit Kaeya and free themselves of the misery of making up worst case scenarios, and to check how he actually is.

      Since it was barely morning, only the Knights of Favonius headquarters would have any guards at all, and this theory was confirmed when (y/n) saw no occupants where guards usually stood. They stopped suddenly, clutching their chest tightly, trying to catch their breath.

      Ah- ... Ah, all the way here from Springvale.. author-chan hates me so much.

    "Ser (y/n)?"

    "Katheryne, wha-" I whipped around, only to see Katheryne with a curious look on her face.

      "Ad astra abyssosque, Ser (y/n). Why must you be here at this hour?"

       "Ah- w-well, um, do you happen to know about my little mishap with Kaeya a few weeks back..?" I asked, not really sure how to put it.

       Katheryne pondered for a bit and smiled slightly. "Ah yes. The Chivalry Captain getting injured while distracted? News travelled fast, Ser (y/n), no doubt about it."

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