A Ride Home

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Barbie took the lock-pick from Yasmin's belt and went through the door to unlock Jason while Yasmin managed to work herself into a seated position against the wall. Yasmin looked down to examine the cut on her hand, and the next thing she knew, she was embraced in a hug. Jason's hand went to her head and held her close.

"You're ok," he breathed. She had thought it was his own exclamation of relief until he repeated it, and she realized he was comforting her. She almost pulled away, but he didn't let her go. "He's gone. You're safe now." Finally, the desperation of the event passed away, and she realized what he was saying. She didn't need to be afraid anymore. Suddenly, her eyes welled with tears. She embraced him back

"Its ok, Yasmin. It's all gonna be ok." When he realized she was crying, he softened. "It's all over." He held her like that until Yasmin finally pulled back, wiping her face.

Barbie spoke. "That was real cute, you two, but does anyone have a clue on how to get out of here?"

Yasmin composed herself, "Yeah, the way I came in."

They were sitting on the roof across from Randox, Jason having practically carried Yasmin most of the way. Through the windows, chaos was breaking out. The Warlock's men had discovered him dead and panicked. Together, the three enjoyed the confused scrambling that ensued. Barbie leaned back on her red hands, legs crossed at the ankles.

Jason looked over to her, hand on top of Yasmin's. "I heard what you said to the Warlock, and I didn't think you were lying. But then you go and kill him. Whose side are you on?"

Barbie continued watching through the windows. She uncrossed her legs and then recrossed them the other way. "My own, I guess."

"Then why did you save Yasmin?"

"I really don't know."

Yasmin just smiled to herself.

Barbie asked her, "So what are you going to do now that you're not chasing revenge anymore?"

"I hadn't thought that far."

Jason said, "I think you should get out more."


"You know - as Yasmin. You're always just the Rider. I think you should give Mini some time in the sun. Make some friends."

"I have friends... right here."

Barbie pitched in, "No, I think he's right."

Yasmin shot her a look.

"I'm just saying. It would be good for you."

Yasmin just shook her head. Jason gave her hand a squeeze, "Just think about it. You could-"

"Oh look at that," Yasmin interrupted, "our ride's here."

They both looked up to find Frankie's car pull in front of the facility.

"How did she know to show up here?"

"Texted her," Yasmin stood up, still a little unsteady. "Come on, let's go home."

Frankie didn't ask about the blood running from Jason's head, Yasmin's hand, or why Barbie was dressed as the Rider. She just drove.

Jason sat back in his seat and asked Barbie, "So what was all that about the Warlock owning the shares of the Dollhouse?"

Barbie scoffed sheepishly. "Right. That. Well he had me sell my shares to him in order to protect it, but the only way to get Yasmin's half, according to the contract, was to kill her. So he had me do the dirty work, seeing as it would be easy. She wouldn't expect it. Obviously that didn't work out, and now he's the one out of the equation..." Barbie's voice faded and a crease formed between her eyebrows. "I suppose now that he's gone, the only person whose name is still in the contract is Yasmin."

Jason turned to Yasmin and they realized what that meant at the same time.

"Oh. Oh. I own all the shares."

Barbie said, "I had to turn the operation over to him. I went into that room to pitch him taking me back on as a manager. Right now, Yasmin, I think you own the Dollhouse."

Yasmin blinked. She almost invited Barbie back on immediately, only to pause. "Do you want it back?"

"With all the work it's become, all the trouble it's gotten me in? I have enough money to last me the rest of my life. I had a dream for it, and then it became something else entirely. I don't think I do."

Yasmin sat quiet for a few moments and then said, "I have never known how to run anything like that. I can't even step foot in a club without causing some kind of problem. I don't know what to do with it." Then she stopped and smiled. She watched Frankie at the wheel, knowing she had quite the offer to propose next time she stopped into the diner. "I'll think of something."

They dropped Barbie off at her house. Her wave goodbye was a little twiddling of her fingers. Next they pulled up to Yasmin's place.

Jason said, "ok, Yaz, go change into civilian clothes and then we can go to the hospital. We've got to make sure you don't have a concussion or a skull fracture or anything. And get some stitches in your hand."

"You too, buddy. Last I checked I wasn't the one bleeding from my head."

She stepped out of the car and made for the house. Jason suddenly slid out of his seat, "Wait, wait, Yasmin."

She turned. Jason took her good hand. He stepped closer to her. Their faces were as close as they had been when wrestling. "May I?" he asked.

Yasmin smiled and nodded. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Yasmin broke away laughing. "If only we had done this sooner."

"Then you wouldn't have had to burn anything." 

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