The Dollhouse

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... Years later ...

Yasmin hesitated, pen hovering above the paper. "This is crazy."

Barbara was completely exasperated. "It's not crazy. We've discussed this. The club is going to be perfect."

Yasmin scanned the agreement for the building again, ignoring the annoyed banker across from her.

Barbara urged, "This is not the place. Just sign it. We'll renovate it and fill it with people, just like we said we would, and we'll make thousands."

Yasmin just couldn't believe that she was about to sign away her portion of the Night's will to start a nightclub. Barbara had been so enthusiastic about the idea when she had first found the building, it was hard not to get on board, but now that she was looking at the official document, it felt insane. Yasmin was willing to support Barbara in almost anything. She was ready to get behind whatever she wanted to do. But this was the Night's money they were talking about here. And Yasmin had no doubt that Barbara could pull off a nightclub. Getting dressed up and going out was her thing. She did it almost nightly, and she was good at it. But she wanted Yasmin to be her co-signer, her partner. Yasmin knew nothing about that world except for the illicit dealings she had shut down in a few shady clubs once upon a time.

Yasmin looked at Barbara, who nodded at her hopefully. "Trust me," she said.

So Yasmin put the pen to paper.

Next thing she knew, they were standing outside of the old building. Barbara had her hands on her hips.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Barbara."

"What we're doing," Barbara was smiling. "And I do. I told you to trust me. You know, Mini, you can call me Barbie. All my friends do."

"I know. I'm just not used to it."

Barbara brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "It's gonna be great, Yasmin. Stop worrying."

"Who said I was worrying?"

Barbara laughed. "Look at you."

Yasmin looked down at her crossed arms. She unfolded them and flexed her fingers. "What are you gonna call it?"

"The Dollhouse."

"Barbara, that sounds like a strip club."

"Well, it's not. It's where all the girls go to play."

Now Yasmin smiled. Barbara did know what she was doing. 

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