Pity is For the Weak

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Jason took the news in silence. He stood there for a long minute before asking, "Are you going to hire another one?"

Yasmin looked at him for a second and scoffed. "Absolutely not."

"He's really gone, isn't he?"

Yasmin averted her gaze, jaw clenching. Jason had to sit down on the couch before breaking down. His hands covered his eyes as he sobbed silently. Yasmin stood above him with her arms crossed. When she couldn't take it any longer, she sat down next to him. Softly, her hand went to his shoulder. When Jason finally lifted his head again, Yasmin's hand slid to her lap. Jason spoke with a thick voice, "You were there for both of their deaths, weren't you?"

"Well, I didn't actually watch Mattel die."

Jason nodded softly. Yasmin leaned her head back against the couch, looking more tired than he had ever seen her. "I have a question for you, Jason."


"What did Mattel tell you about me after Night... after that night?"

"He told me you had been the one to answer the phone. That you had seen what Warlock did and by the time he got back, Mattel was almost gone. And that the Warlock told you that you were next."

"I know that part. I mean what did he tell you about me?"

Jason looked at her almost sheepishly. "Yasmin-"


Jason sighed and sank into the couch. He avoided her eyes as he spoke. "He told me that seeing all of that had to have been really hard for you. That recovering was going to be worse for you than it was for us. He said that you were going to feel different than most people and even me because of that phone call."

Yasmin stared at him until he went on.

"And he told me that if there was anything I could do to help you feel safer or even happy, I should."

Yasmin blinked off in the distance. The grandfather clock tolled the hour. When it had finished its lament, Yasmin spoke. "Listen to me, Jason. This is different. I don't need your help or your pity. Dealing with your own feelings is enough work as it is. Don't add mine."

"Yasmin, I just want to-"

"I don't want your pity. Do you hear me?"

Jason looked at his hands. The clock ticked the seconds away. Finally, he said, "Ok." After a few more moments he asked, "Are you going to put together the funeral?"

"Yes. It won't be very big."

"No, it won't. Just a small memorial. I can help you."

"We'll honor him right." 

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