Chapter 39

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"No one warns you about the amount of mourning in growth."⭐️

As the server leaves with our plates, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Lexi: "Well, it was really delicious!"

Ryan: "I think I saw that, little greedy guts."

I blush somewhat. It's true, I didn't leave a single crumb. My plates were almost shining when they left the table!

Lexi: "I'm sorry, but I'm not one of your starving super-models! You'll have to get used to it!"

Ryan: "Calm down! I wasn't criticising..."

I look at him, embarrassed. I'll have to get rid of my susceptibility one day...

Suddenly his gaze turns away from me and a new expression animates his magnificent features.

He puts his napkin down on the table and gets up smiling. I immediately look towards the object of his attention.

The chef is coming up to our table and warmly greets Ryan.

The chef Garbot: "Miss... Good evening."

Lexi: "Uh... Si... sir, good evening."

I have before me a living legend of gastronomy and I just sit there, rooted to my chair, stammering.

I get up quickly to shake his hand.

The chef Garbot: "Did you enjoy the meal?"

He's kidding me right?! I had a gustatory orgasm with every dish! Let's just say that it's never happened to me before so close together!

Though... With Ryan, if I started counting...

I frown for a moment. Now's not the time for having naughty thoughts.

Lexi: "Sir, it was just... perfect!!"

I can't hide my enthusiasm! Meeting one of the most eminent chefs in the world is an exceptional opportunity!

He gives me a charming smile.

Ryan: "Let me introduce you to Miss Mitchell. She is a fervent admirer of your work and is herself interested in gastronomy."

I address a grateful look to Ryan. I am not able to string three words together but I could not dream of a better introduction.

The chef Garbot: "Oh, is that right?"

Lexi: "Yes... I... I've been passionate about great food for years. Obviously, what I do is nothing like your work."

He bends over slightly and nods gratefully. The most talented people are often the simplest.

Ryan: "Miss Mitchell is being modest, she has a lot of talent in the culinary field, on that matter, she has a very interesting food blog."

Ryan looks at me.

The chef Garbot: "Oh?"

Lexi: "Yes... I... Yes, I have a blog, that's true."

Shit Lexi! Make an effort to be more talkative!! You look awkward!

Ryan: "Maybe you could see each other again, for an interview or something?"

The chef Garbot: "I'd be glad to."


I think my brain is overheating and is twisting itself into knots!

Is Michel Garbot, one of the most starred chefs on this planet and even in this galaxy, accepting that I post an interview with him on my very humble blog?

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