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TIME: 2:06 PM

A few days after the movie night, Aroha found herself lost in thought while wandering around the campus. The weather was pleasant, and she needed distraction from her classes. As she strolled near a cluster of trees, she spotted Jay sitting on a bench, engrossed in a book. The sight of him triggered a strange sense of familiarity, a feeling she couldn't quite place.

Taking a deep breath, Aroha decided to approach him. She had been curious about Jay ever since Niki mentioned his grandfather's connection to the orphanage. Though they were essentially strangers, there was an unexplainable connection between them that she couldn't ignore.

"Hey," Aroha greeted, her voice sweet.

Jay looked up from his book, his expression surprised but not unwelcome. "Hey there. What brings you here?"

Aroha shrugged, a small smile forming on her lips. "Just enjoying the weather, I guess. Mind if I join you?"

Jay closed his book and patted the empty space on the bench beside him. "Not at all. Feel free."

As Aroha took a seat, a moment of silence settled between them. She watched as Jay studied her with a thoughtful gaze, his eyes seemingly searching for something beyond the surface.

"So, your major is music right?" Jay asked, breaking the silence.

"Yep" Aroha replied. "I've always been passionate about it."

Jay nodded, his lips curving into a faint smile. "That's interesting. Music has a way of connecting people, don't you think?"

Aroha's curiosity was piqued. "Speaking from personal experience?"

Jay's smile wavered for a brief moment before he masked it with nonchalance. "Perhaps. My family has a long history with music."

Aroha sensed that there was more to his words than met the eye, but she didn't press further. Instead, she decided to change the topic.

"You know, Niki mentioned that your grandfather owned an orphanage. I used to live in one too."

Jay's gaze flickered with surprise, and he looked at Aroha more intently. "Really? Which orphanage?"

"Sunshine Orphanage," Aroha replied. "It's where I spent my entire childhood."

A flicker of recognition crossed Jay's eyes, and Aroha noticed it. It was as if a puzzle piece had fallen into place, a connection that they were both yet to fully grasp.

"Sunshine Orphanage," Jay repeated, his voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and intrigue. "That's... interesting."

Aroha raised an eyebrow. "You seem familiar with it."

Jay hesitated for a moment before offering a smile. "Let's just say that my family has had ties to orphanages for a long time. My grandfather owns it at the present."

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