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TIME: 7:00 AM

The next morning dawned with a freshness that belied the events of the previous day. Aroha had woken up with a sense of unease, her dreams haunted by fragments of memories and shadows from the past. Despite her unsettled state, she managed to put on a brave face as she got ready for another day at the university. All of them agreed to eat breakfast at the cafeteria as everyone were busy. Aroha, Niki, Sunoo and Sunghoon headed out first.

As Aroha made her way to the cafeteria for breakfast, she couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy that surrounded her friends. Niki was recounting his playful escapade from the previous night with a mischievous glint in his eyes, while Sunoo and Sunghoon were engaged in a friendly banter that seemed to be their morning ritual.

Taking her spot at the table, Aroha glanced around, noticing Heeseung's absence. She wondered where he might be but quickly pushed the thought aside, focusing on her breakfast instead.

Just as she was about to dig into her meal, Jake strolled into the cafeteria with an air of casual confidence. His tousled hair and devil-may-care grin seemed to attract attention from everyone present. Aroha watched as he effortlessly charmed his way through conversations, his presence impossible to ignore.

Niki nudged Aroha with an exaggerated wink. "Well, well, look who's here to steal the spotlight."

Aroha rolled her eyes playfully, a small smile tugging at her lips. She couldn't deny Jake's charisma, but his reputation as a playboy made her skeptical of his intentions.

Amidst the laughter and chatter, Aroha's attention was suddenly drawn to the entrance of the cafeteria. Jay walked in, his refined aura contrasting with the casual atmosphere of the room. He scanned the area before his gaze locked onto Aroha's. There was a moment of recognition, fleeting yet profound, as if a distant memory had resurfaced for an instant.

Aroha's heart skipped a beat as she met Jay's gaze. She felt a strange connection, a pull that defied logic. Unbeknownst to her, Jay was experiencing a similar sensation, as if a missing puzzle piece had suddenly fallen into place.

Niki leaned in closer, his voice teasing. "Hey, your knight in shining armor just arrived."

Aroha elbowed Niki gently, trying to dismiss the thought. She observed Jay as he headed toward the food counter, his steps cool and composed. Part of her wanted to go over to Jay and strike up a conversation, to delve into the feeling of familiarity that seemed to envelop them both. But another part held her back, uncertainty and past wounds clouding her judgment.

As the day progressed, Aroha found herself encountering Jake more frequently. Whether it was in the hallway, the library, or the courtyard, he seemed to appear out of nowhere, always with a charming grin and a playful remark. Aroha couldn't help but feel a strange mix of intrigue and skepticism. She was torn between his charismatic facade and the rumors that painted him as a heartbreaker.

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