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TIME: 6:10 AM

The morning sun streamed through the curtains, gently waking Aroha from her slumber. She stretched and yawned, slowly becoming aware of her surroundings. As the events of the previous night replayed in her mind, a sense of unease settled in. Sharing a room with two strangers was a challenge she hadn't anticipated.

Aroha sat up on the unfamiliar bed, blinking as she recalled the faces and names of her dormmates. Niki and Sunoo, who had welcomed her so warmly, were already up and chatting in hushed tones. Aroha's thoughts turned to Heeseung and Sunghoon—two enigmatic figures whose reasons for being distant intrigued her. Resolving to make the best of this situation, she got out of bed and prepared for the day ahead.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Aroha went into the living area to find Niki and Sunoo preparing breakfast. The aroma of scrambled eggs and toast filled the air.

"Good morning," Aroha greeted, getting cheerful smiles from the two.

"Morning, Aroha!" Niki replied. "We thought we'd make something nice for our new roommate."

"Thanks, that's really kind of you guys," Aroha said, feeling grateful for their hospitality.

As they sat down to eat, conversation flowed more easily than Aroha had expected. Niki's infectious energy and Sunoo's humor helped ease the tension that had remained since their initial meeting. Aroha found herself laughing at their stories.

"Aroha, did you know, Sunoo hyung once hit his head on a pole chasing after a dog that ran with his plushie from the fair."

"Huh, Aroha listen, Niki once got lost in a fair and was found in the lost children section when we looked for him."

Jungwon, Jay and Jake soon joined them, and the atmosphere became even livelier. Jungwon showed genuine interest in Aroha's martial arts hobbies, a discussion that turned into a friendly debate about which form of combat was the most impressive.

Sunghoon eventually emerged from his room, looking as aloof as ever. His gaze briefly met Aroha's before he turned his attention to the food on the table. Aroha couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about him—what had led him to be so reserved? But she decided to respect his boundaries for now.

The only one missing was Heeseung. Aroha wondered if he would join them for breakfast, but as the minutes ticked by, it became evident he wasn't going to show.

Sunoo noticed the concern on Aroha's face and patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry about Heeseung. He's a bit of a lone wolf, but he's not a bad guy."

After breakfast, the group dispersed to get ready for their classes. Aroha walked to her first lecture with Jungwon and Niki, enjoying their company as they navigated the campus together. The morning sunlight bathed the university grounds, creating a picturesque scene that mirrored the excitement in Aroha's heart. She was determined to make the best of her time here, no matter the challenges that came her way.

After lunch, Aroha walked along the campus pathway, her steps light. She enjoyed the tranquil mornings, the sense of joy in the air. As she made her way towards the music building, she noticed a familiar face in the distance—Park Jay, one of her dormmates.

What caught her attention, however, was not his presence, but the sleek black Lamborghini parked nearby. Aroha slowed her pace, her curiosity piqued. She had rarely seen such luxury vehicles around campus, and it seemed out of place for someone like Jay.

With a mixture of intrigue and caution, Aroha decided to look from a distance, observing Jay as he engaged in a conversation with a well-dressed individual beside the Lamborghini. They exchanged words, their gestures indicating a transaction of some sort.

Aroha's mind raced with questions. What was Jay doing with this person? Why was he receiving money and utilities from such an extravagant car? Her imagination began to jump into various scenarios, each more dramatic than the last.

As Jay and the individual wrapped up their conversation, Aroha decided to continue on her way, not wanting to be caught staring. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. Her interactions with her dormmates had been positive so far, but this new scene cast a shadow of doubt.

Throughout her classes, Aroha found it difficult to focus. Her thoughts kept returning to the scene she had witnessed earlier. She questioned herself—was she overreacting? Could there be a reasonable explanation for what she had seen? Perhaps Jay had a proper reason for dealing with someone who owned a luxury car.

Time passed by and it was almost 6pm when Aroha reached the dorm. There on the living room were Jay and Jake. Aroha just let her curiosity take the best of her.

"Hey, Jay," she began, her tone casual. "I couldn't help but notice that you were talking to someone near a black Lamborghini earlier today."

Jay turned to her, his expression momentarily surprised before he composed himself. "Oh, yeah. That was my caretaker actually, my Grandpa sent me some money and other stuff."

Aroha nodded, trying to digest his response. She never would've known Jay was from a rich family if she hadn't seen this scene because Jay was most simple and modest among the bunch. "I see. It's just that, well, it's not every day you see a Lamborghini on campus."

Jay chuckled, his demeanor light. "True, it's quite the sight. I haven't told you yet right? My Grandpa owns KJ Group of Companies. Not trying to brag or anything, just saying so you don't misinterpret the situation next time."

Aroha felt a mixture of relief and curiosity. His response seemed genuine, and a weight lifted from her shoulders. Though, something on the back of her mind was telling that she had some sort of connection with this so-called 'KJ group of companies'. 

"Alright, thanks for clearing that up," she said with a small smile.

As Jay returned her smile, Aroha realized that her dormmates were more than just faces and names—they were individuals with their own stories, experiences, and complexities. Her journey of discovering their true selves had only just begun, and she was determined to navigate the shadows of curiosity with an open heart.

 Her journey of discovering their true selves had only just begun, and she was determined to navigate the shadows of curiosity with an open heart

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