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"Damn dad sending you to school?" Hakeem says. "Yeah for my education or so he says" Imani says rolling her eyes. "Hmm well don't end up like your brother" Hakeem jokes. "Why are you such a dumbass?" Imani asks. "Ya mother" Hakeem says. "You my brother that's ya mother too jackass" Imani says pushing him. "Well ya father stupid" Hakeem says. "My nigga I know. Why couldn't dad send you" Imani whines. "True and cuz he said Imani last I checked I'm not Imani you are" Hakeem says sitting on her bed as she packs. "Whatever Hakeem Charles lyon" Imani says putting the last few outfits in her bag.

"Man shut up" Hakeem says getting off her bed. "This could be seen as a good thing stop complaining" Hakeem says shrugging. "Your just saying that cuz you ain't gotta go" Imani says. "That is true" Hakeem says laughing. "Ugh I get so tired of black people" Imani mumbles as she jumps on her bed, hitting Hakeem in the process. "Damn Imani Asante lyon" Hakeem says mean mugging her. "Oh shut up nigga" Imani says sighing.

"But in all seriousness this could be a good experience for you. Considering you don't like people. Plus it's not like you can't make music at least dad is giving you the option of that" haleem says. "True" imani agrees. "Right so go show Beverly how we lyons do things" Hakeem says leaning on his sister. "I am gonna miss you though sis" Hakeem admits making Imani smile. "Awww I'm gonna miss your big headed ass too" imani says hugging her brother. "See you always starting shit" Hakeem says annoyed. "You know you love me" imani responds back. "Yeah yeah get off me" Hakeem mumbles pulling away from the hug.

Before Imani could say anything else a knock was heard making the siblings turn towards the door. "Hey big head" jamal her other brother greets. "Hey mal" Imani greets back as she gets up and hugs her older brother. "I heard your leaving me" Jamal says. "Yeah in a few hours actually I got an earlier flight. Because of your father" Imani utters while rolling her eyes.

"Well at least your leaving lucifer" jamal says shrugging making Imani chuckle. " drive me to the airport?" Imani questions. "Do you even have to ask" jamal says as they all prepare to go to the airport.

"Imani!" Billy calls out making Imani turn around and walk to him. "Wow you've grown so much" Billy says giving Imani a hug. "Uh yeah i have " Imani says awkwardly. "Well let's be on our way here I'll take your bags" Billy offers as Imani hands her bags to him. "You'll love it here and you'll get to see Olivia and Jordan again" Billy says walking to his car. "Yeah great" Imani mumbles. Imani didn't have any bad blood against Olivia or Jordan she just doesn't rememeber much of them. They were kids when they met.

A few minutes later they arrive at Billy's house. "Oh honey your home" a friendly voice says grabbing Imani attention. "Yup and I bought someone special with us as well." Billy says putting Imani's bags down. "Who is that dear?" Laura asks walking in. "This is Imani lyon. You remember her?" Billy asks. "Oh my goodness this little mimi? Oh you've grown so much and gotten so big" Laura says hugging Imani. "Yeah uh hey" Imani greets awkwardly. "Olivia! Jordan! Come down here someone is here I'd like you to meet again" Laura calls for her other children to come down.

"What's up mom?" Olivia asks not noticing Imani. "You rememeber imani right?" Laura questions. "Um yeah hey Imani wow it's been a minute" Olivia greets making Imani smile back. "Yeah it has been a while. You look different from what I remember" Imani says as Olivia hugs her. "Yeah it's been forever. I heard your going to school with us. I'll show you around" Olivia offers. "Sounds cool" Imani answers as jordan walks in. "Who am I meeting—" Jordan says but cuts himself off when noticing Imani. "You rememeber imani right?" Billy asks. "Uh ahem yeah wow Imani you look....different" Jordan says not taking his eyes off of Imani. 

"Likewise" imani responds back. "Well it's late Olivia show her to one of the guest rooms" Billy says walking to his room. "Yeah sure come on" Olivia says as Imani picks her bags up and follows Olivia.


The next morning Imani wakes up and walks to the bathroom. As she opens the door, she sees an unknown boy  getting out of the shower. "Whoa. Ohh! So sorry! I just... no. You're there. I didn't think anybody was up, so I swear, I... I didn't see anything... Much." Imani says as she covers her eyes."Ok." He says. "I didn't mean to just walk in" Imani stutters in embarrassment as she feels her way to the door.

"Nah it's fine" he responds back. "I am so sorry" Imani repeats as she backs up. "Uh who are you?" The guy in the towel asks. "Do you think this is the correct time to ask?" Imani questions with her hand covering her eyes. "Right my bad" he says."Um, I'm... Just... I'm gonna go. Ow! " Imani says as she bumps into the door. "Okay You... you good?"He asks. "Shit! Yeah I'm fine I guess" Imani stutters as she gets out of the bathroom and quickly closes it.

"What the hell just happened?" Imani mumbles to herself in disbelief as she goes back to her room.


"Morning, Spencer." Laura greets. "Hey, morning, ma'am." Spencer says politely before  looking at the girl he seen in the bathroom who is walking into the kitchen. "Oh, I told you, please call me Laura." Laura insists. "Nah. If I did that, my moms would reach clear over from crenshaw to slap me upside my head, so..." Spencer says denying.

"Ok. Understood. What can I get you for breakfast? We have cereal... Juice, fruit. And we're making omelets."Laura says as she starts mixing the egg yolks. "That'd be great." Spencer says smiling ."Cool." Laura responds with a nod.

Imani walks in noticing Spencer was looking at her. Embarrassed, she tries to walk faster away and bumps into Laura. "Ooh! My bad Ms. Baker ." Imani apologizes. "Please call me auntie honey I've known you since you was a baby" Laura says. "Right" imani whispers. "Morning you guys" Olivia greets. "Morning, livvie." Laura says giving her daughter a hug and a kiss on the forehead . "Good morning." Billy says drinking his coffee. "Morning dad" Olivia says back. "Uh morning Mr. Baker" imani says. "Oh please if you feel awkward by calling me Billy just call me uncle then" Billy suggests making Imani nod. "I'll keep that in mind" imani utters.

As Imani grabs a plate she goes to the living room and sits down. "So now that we aren't in the bathroom anymore can I get your name?" Spencer questions. "Imani" imani introduces with a smile. "Imani... I like that  name. Im spencer" spencer greets. "I like your name too" Imani responds as she eats.

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