Chapter Eleven

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November looked at a mere tiny spider climbing on the bars of the cell she was in

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November looked at a mere tiny spider climbing on the bars of the cell she was in. She quietly wondered if he also was stuck, just like her.
She had been stuck for hours in the cell, with other people from the party last night.

She watched as they acted like it was a normal day, being held like an animal in a tiny cage they were supposed to share.
Her head was pounding, wondering when she'd get out.
Willow wasn't there with her, which meant that she escaped.
Lucky bitch.

But, Sage was with her. And despite having the fairy tale of her lifetime with the girl last night, November felt greatly embarrassed as she leaned on the girl's shoulder.
November had asked the girl numberless times if her head hadn't felt too heavy on her. And every time Sage had shook her head gently, playing softly with November's head.

And if her day hadn't already started being bad, it got worse when her professor walked through the door with an officer. He quirked his thick eyebrow at the two.
His plumped, brown lips turned into a smirk.
"Those two are mine," he pointed at Sage and November who looked like a lost puppy.

Sage stood up swiftly, pulling November along with her who stumbled a bit after her. She had been seated for so long, her legs needed to adjust to walking.

"Hi.." November greeted her professor awkwardly. Whoever in their lifetime could say their professor bailed them out?

And a fine one too.

"How'd you know each other?" November tried to make a conversation. They were walking without a word to the car that belonged to Elijah.

Was Sage after all a new student?

"Oh!" Sage turned to November, with her dazzling smile.

"He's my dad," Sage explained.


Both women turned to Elijah who was glaring down at Sage.

Sage wore a proud smirk on her lips.

November was just trying to take the information as best as she could.
Of course, he has someone, she thought. He looked too hot to not have impregnated someone before. But, he did look too young to even have a daughter between 19-21.

"I'm her cousin," Elijah cleared his throat, trying to explain himself. "She just likes to joke like this most of the time." The man chuckled so fake, it made November almost have a whiplash.

"Uhm– anyways, are you going to attend our academy?" November asked, seating herself in the backseat of the car. She put her seatbelt on.

Elijah and Sage shared a look.


They both looked at each other again.


Sage grunted. "Yes!" She yelled out a bit, louder so Elijah couldn't butt in anymore. "I signed up, so I have to see when they'll enroll me."

November nodded, biting her bottom lip. She couldn't wait until Sage had enrolled in the academy. She had a feeling they were gonna be really close.

"Well, will I see you before you enroll?" November dared to ask, pulling out her phone that had been confiscated before.

She passed it on to Sage, instructing her to put her phone number in it.

With a grin, the Sin did as asked.

Elijah cleared his throat.

"Uhm.. don't you need my number? You know.. for emergencies.. like today."

November shook her head, taking her phone back from Sage.

"That'll not be needed," November answered, shaking her head. If she had watched closely,
She could see the man's eye twitch in annoyance.

November watched as they pulled up to the academy.
The gates were closed, making the student frown deeply. They were only closed at night.

"Oh yeah... I forgot to mention," Elijah said with a smirk.

"The headmaster is quite angry. A lot of students were at that party last night. So they'll be changing a few rules.."

November widened her eyes. Her academy was as strict as they could be.
How could they even make it harder for her?

The girl winced, dropping her face in her hands.
She then looked up. She couldn't climb those damn gates too, which meant she had to wait until it was over and they opened the gates again.

"..So is your headmaster hot?"

The question made November's head pop up, looking at the owner of the voice.

"He's a wrinkly old man with no life whatsoever and enjoys watching the spirit of happiness and contentment leave children's eyes in front of him," November sourly responded to Sage.

"You do the math."


There was an awkward silence.

"Maybe it's time for a new headmaster then.." Elijah pondered.

" Elijah pondered

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