Chapter 79

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  Chapter 79 Don't Be Afraid Of Me, I Just Like You And The Memory Is Coming Back...

       Zhang Yunhe sat beside him in silence, and it was the first time that he sat quietly with this person like this.

  Listening to her words, Mo Yu lowered her head, "No? But I always thought you hated me! Sometimes I even felt that there was something wrong with me that you hated. After thinking about it, I shed a lot of tears but still couldn't figure it out." Mo Yu couldn't help but look up to look at her.

  "What on earth are you talking about?" Zhang Yunhe was in a daze. She always thought that this person hated her!

  "I don't know what to say. You don't have to be angry, because I don't know why you are angry. My daughter is going to get out of school. I'll get her something to eat." Mo Yu looked at the cold woman in front of him and stood up to leave and go.

  He felt like he couldn't breathe because he saw this person.

  As soon as he took a step, someone hugged his waist, and he sat in her arms without defense.

  "You... What do you want to do?" Was he afraid that she would not succeed? It's fine if this person doesn't come into his yard, but once in a while he has to lie down for a day or two.

  Feeling him trembling, Zhang Yunhe closed her eyes in pain and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  "Don't be afraid of me." She really loves this man.

  Mo Yu froze and didn't dare to move, because this was the first time this person hugged him like this, and they never held each other's hands, let alone hugging each other.

  "You... you're so weird today..." Mo Yu's face turned hot.

  Zhang Yunhe closed her eyes, but her voice came into his ears faintly.

  "Let me tell you a story! This is something I have never told anyone."

  "You said..." Mo Yu took a deep breath and lowered her eyes.

  "Once upon a time, there was a girl who killed her mother when she was born. Her father disliked her as a lone star and abandoned her. She was raised by beggars. Since then, she has been begging with beggars. Time flies, the old beggar dead, the life of the little beggar is even more difficult without protection. She wanted to make a name for herself, but she was too young, and her ideas ran counter to reality... Once when the beggar was about to die, she met a little boy, and it was he who made the little beggar in despair... The beggar found the direction of life again...

      Gradually, the little beggar's heart became stronger, and her desire to get ahead became stronger, and the only way to get ahead was to study. She went to the school to learn secretly, and was almost beaten to death by those young masters at first. But she is not afraid, day by day she is getting older, learning more, and becoming stronger, those people can no longer beat her. She went to work to earn money, and officially handed over the money she earned the tuition fee started to study... and a master saw that she was studying hard, so she was very happy to accept her as a foster daughter. From then on, she was named Zhang Yunhe. Time passed by, and the little beggar at that time grew up and became a young girl, when she saw that young master again, she felt that the world was blown up.

  She fell in love with him without hesitation, but she and him are the difference between cloud and mud. Even though she knew it was impossible, she couldn't help but various opportunities appeared in front of him, she just want to hear him say, Miss, you are blocking my way. At first, she thought it was good to be like this all the time, but as time went by, she wanted more, and she didn't want to just be far away seeing him happily standing next to another woman, the woman devoted herself to studying only to be able to stand beside him.

  And she finally succeeded by relying on her own efforts. On the day of the gold list, she was happy to tell the boy that she liked him, but she heard the conversation between the boy and her sister. He said that he have someone he like, so don't choose a wife for him, he like that person very much."

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