Chapter 71

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  Chapter 71 Worship Again (2)

  He didn't understand why he had such a weird feeling. Looking at the current appearance of this woman, he actually felt like he wanted to push her away. When was he so anxious? Yes, it's embarrassing.

  He remembered that when he visited the hall for the first time, he knew that this person was very handsome, but at that time he felt that her whole body was so cold that she was repulsed by others thousands of miles away.

  As for this person now, he knew that although she was still indifferent, she felt very close to him, closer than ever. He liked this woman now.

  After looking at her husband, Zhao Xian understood that the weddings in this empress world were not that complicated, and they didn't wear many things that women would wear at that time. Instead, they were very simple and elegant.

  "Let's have a cup of wine?" Zhao Xian controlled herself so that she would not look so perverted.

  "Okay..." Gu Tingshu put his hand in hers and they walked to the table and sat down.

  There are two wine glasses on the table, each of which has already been filled with wine.

  Zhao Xian reached out and picked up a glass and handed him a glass.

  The two looked at each other, touched each other's glasses lightly, then picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

  After Zhao Xian drank it, she felt that the taste was not bad. Perhaps it was because the original owner was able to drink alcohol?

  "Is it good?" Zhao Xian asked.

  Gu Tingshu nodded, "It's delicious!" He had secretly drank his mother's wine before, so he really liked it.

  But he can't drink.

  "Then drink more." Zhao Xian narrowed her eyes and poured another glass for the other party, and then poured herself another glass.

  "Okay, I'll drink more, just drink it today, and not in the future." Gu Tingshu said and took a drink in one gulp...

       Everyone said that wine can strengthen courage, it's true, after three glasses, Gu Tingshu was already drunk.

  Then the next picture is really not suitable for children.

  "My wife, you belong to me alone, kiss..."

  Zhao Xian put down her wine glass and looked at the man sitting in her arms acting like a baby.

  Didn't expect men to be so cute? It seems that her taste is really strong, how can she think men are cute.

  "My wife, look at me, do I look good?" Gu Tingshu held her face and asked seriously.

  Zhao Xian took a look at him and had difficulty breathing, "It looks good..."

  Gu Tingshu chuckled, "You look good too, I like it very much, I now announce that you will be mine from today onwards."

  Is this drunk showing off his vest?Interesting?

  "Okay, I'm yours." Zhao Xian said lightly.

  "Hey, I like you, you're so pretty, I like your place even more..." Gu Tingshu said and poked Zhao Xian's chest.

  "..." Could it be that hooligans don't distinguish between female and male?

  "Soft, like buns..." Gu Tingshu narrowed his eyes and said.

  "..." Zhao Xian took a deep breath, "Very good..." Zhao Xian kissed his lips directly, picked him up and walked to the bed...

       The red bed curtain fell to cover the room temperature... The only thing that could see The only thing left was the red wedding dress thrown on the ground, on which the mandarin ducks were still so vivid and lovely.


  The next day Zhao Xian got up early in the morning to practice martial arts. Everyone said that it was up to the master to lead the door and practice alone.

  No matter how good her martial arts are, if she doesn't practice for a long time, she will only be an embroidered pillow. She doesn't want to waste this martial arts in vain.

  Whoosh... Whoosh... Ding ding dong dong...

  The fallen leaves all over the yard danced along with Zhao Xian's arrow, sometimes high and sometimes low... It didn't seem to have any lethality, but if someone look closely, they can see that the fallen leaves are every minute Can cut through stone.


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