Chapter 66

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  Chapter 66 People Don't Offend Me, I Don't To Offend People

  These days, she has also tasted the sweetness of power, so she wants more, these are not enough, she wants all the people in this world to become her.

  Thinking of this, she looked at Zhao Xian, and now the obstacle in front of her was Zhao Xian.

  Since ancient times, her skills have been high, so even if Zhao Xian really has no intention of rebelling, if she has the opportunity to get rid of her, she will naturally be merciless.

  How keen Zhao Xian was, even though that gaze was only for a moment, she could still feel that murderous aura.

  She narrowed her eyes and looked at the little girl on the throne. It seemed that she was wrong.

  Perhaps from the current position of the two of them, it is impossible to turn an enemy into a friend. It seems that it is not feasible to assist this person and live a stable life.

  Because she already felt that the Little Emperor wanted to kill her.

  However, she is still too immature. Whether it is the original Zhao Xian or the current self, they have experienced many difficulties to climb to a high position, so she has always been a person who will not offend her. She will not offend others.

  If she really couldn't tolerate herself, she wouldn't sit still, no matter for herself or her current family.


  It was around eighth after the next imperial court, and now there are people coming and going on Beimen Street, and there are still vendors gathering ...

  Zhao Xian did not go back in a carriage, but asked the guards to take the carriage back early, while she was aimless walk down the street.

  During this period of time, she has to stay at home every day, and she has to exercise a little bit, otherwise she will suffer from such a standard figure if she grows sideways.

  Feeling a little hungry, she turned her head to look at the stew stall not far away, and walked up to sit down silently.

  "Auntie, let me have a bowl of mixed stew, and a bowl of takeaway..." This place is not far from home, and it is still hot when I take it home.

  The proprietress turned her head to see her in an official uniform and she was terrified, "Ahem, please wait a moment, my Lord."

  She glanced again, and it turned out that this was the famous Prime Minister Zhao.

  The Prime Minister also eats roadside mixed stew. Although she is curious, she still cooks it well, and puts more mixed stew.

  "My family's mixed stew is an ancestral handicraft. You should try it, my Lord."

  "Yeah." Zhao Xian nodded, picked up a spoon and began to eat the chaos and drink the soup.

  After all, she likes to eat a food in the morning, light and thirsty.

  "It tastes good." After Zhao Xian finished speaking, She quickly finished a bowl, and the proprietress on the other side quickly packed the box again.

  Naturally, it can be packaged, but the packaged bowls and boxes naturally count as extra money.

  After eating, the guard who immediately followed her paid the money and carried the food box and followed her. Along the way, the two continued towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

  Looking at the back of Zhao Xian and his group leaving, the proprietress of the wonton stall nodded. In fact, the rumored Prime Minister is not so scary, and she is still very kind to their common people.

  Now there is no more smog in the whole street, and no one is passing by on a fast horse, making people turn their backs on their backs.

  Otherwise, it is not uncommon for such high-ranking officials and dignitaries to frequent the capital every day, get injured or have their stalls overturned.

  Not long after Zhao Xian left, her eyes fell on a stall selling hairpins. Although those hairpins were very ordinary, they were exquisite.

  Her gaze fell on a hairpin. She stepped forward and reached out to pick it up. The guard behind her automatically asked the price and paid the bill.

  Zhao Xian touched the hairpin, elegant and quiet, which suits him quite well.

  "Oh, it turned out to be a hairpin. I said you are planning to give it to your husband? Yes, you can! I know how to make boys happy."

        Hearing the familiar voice, Zhao Xian rolled her eyes.

  Looking up at the expression on the face of the woman in front of her, she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

  "You're so free..." Zhao Xian raised her eyebrows, the person in front of her was none other than Dali Temple Shaoqing Wen Chuan.

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