Chapter 30

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  Chapter 30 Wanting Power Is To Survive

  "Start if you have something to do... retire if you have nothing to do..." After the female official shouted, the early court ended...

  Zhao Xian followed all the civil and military officials out of the main gate and headed out of the palace. When she was halfway, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

  "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, please."

  The female officer beside the Emperor walked up to her respectfully.

  Zhao Xian raised her eyebrows, wondering what she was looking for, but she didn't need to think about it to know what a master of high gong was, presumably the little Emperor was especially afraid of her!

  As long as she don't trouble her, she really has no interest in her position at all, and neither does the original owner. As for the original main rights, it's just for survival!

  She's no exception.

  Followed the female officer all the way through the corridor, and finally walked into the emperor's bedroom.

  "This Minister sees Your Majesty..." Zhao Xian saluted, but still stood without kneeling, because the original owner had never kneeled before, so naturally she would not kneel.

  From a distance, the little Emperor greeted her with a smile.

  "Master, you don't need to be too polite."

  After hearing the little Emperor's words, Zhao Xian searched her memory. It seems that the former Emperor asked her to worship Zhao Xian as his teacher. Although the original owner coldly refused to admit it, She also dutifully taught her Wenzhi and martial arts.

  "It should be polite, I don't know why your Majesty is looking for this humble Minister?" Zhao Xian said and looked at the girl in front of her, she was really too young.

  The original owner of the book, Zhao Xian, died at the hands of the white lotus hero and another prince.

  The original owner is dead, and the careless reborn male protagonist will definitely help his sweetheart get the throne. Then it is conceivable that this little Emperor will not end well in the end.

  Thinking of this, she raised her eyebrows. After all, this is the real world, so many things are different. And now that she is going to live in this world, she naturally wants to live a stable life, so under the premise of stability, she must have a wise King in charge.

  Looking at the little girl who had to consider and test every word, Zhao Xian somehow thought of herself as a motherless child.

  "Master, how are you lately..." the Emperor said and stood in front of her politely.

  "Your Majesty didn't come here to talk about this, did she?" Zhao Xian recalled how the original Zhao Xian and the little Emperor got along, and then said lightly, "If you have something to say, your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, so you don't need to hesitate."

       "Master, please sit down, I just want to ask the master how to arrange the follow-up work of digging the long river." Hearing that Zhao Xian was still as cold as before, the little Emperor could only start to speak tentatively.

  "Your Majesty, the common people's idea is very simple, that is to eat enough, clothe themselves warmly, and live a prosperous life."

  "Digging the long river has no intention of making everyone work hard, so we can give everyone a little wages accordingly, and take care of the food. People, there is no one who can't get started. Of course, in order to avoid cheating and cheating, the more they do, the more they can eat, and they can get more wages. So, is your Majesty afraid that no one will dig it? "

  After Zhao Xian finished talking about the little Emperor, she suddenly realized. Indeed, she also thought about it before. The project is so big, what if no one is willing to dig it, and now the problem has been solved directly. It seems that what the mother said is right, this person really has a reputation Only.

  Thinking of this, the little Emperor gritted her teeth and knelt down, "Master, please teach me seriously"

  She doesn't have full wings, so she needs to learn, or she learns a lot.

  Sitting in this position, if she are not careful, she will be doomed, so she wants to take a gamble.

  Looking at the serious girl in front of her, Zhao Xian blushed, asking if she should be so exaggerated.

  In fact, her idea is very simple, just like getting a commission, if they want to earn more money, they have to work hard, it's the same everywhere.


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