Chapter 14

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Smackdown - Locker-Room - On-Screen

Roxanne: Cora

Cora: What

Roxanne: I just thought you should know we've got a tag Match tonight

Cora: Why

Roxanne: Cause if your taking on the Tag Champs at Mania then your gonna need a partner and practice for that match

Cora: Look Roxanne I appreciate the help but after tonight leave me alone cause I want to pick my own tag partner

Roxanne: Why can't you just accept me as your tag partner

Cora: Cause I can't trust you

Roxanne: Who can you trust then

Cora: Look the only person I trust is Nick so until you've proven it please just leave me alone

Roxanne: Alright after tonight you've got your wish

Cora: Thank you

Camera Cuts

Nick: Interesting story yous are telling

Cora: We're trying

Roxanne: Yeah what about you, I saw you've got more promo time tonight

Nick: Yeah time to find out why I'm the new loose cannon

Cora: Okay Brian Pillman

Nick: Yeah yeah I'll see you later, Kisses Cora on the cheek, Walks off

Roxanne: Yous are adorable

Cora: Wish I knew how to show how much I care about him cause I don't feel like I show it enough

Roxanne: I'm sure he knows cause he wouldn't act the way he does if he didn't

Cora: Yeah your right

Roxanne: Look why not after your date, pick a day and do something special for him

Cora: Yeah


HHH: Hey Nick

Nick: Hey boss

HHH: You ready

Nick: Of course I was born running my mouth it's like I was made for this

HHH: Alright in 5....4....3....2....

Nick: So at Wrestlemania I have a match with stakes on the line that are whole lot bigger than me, cause this match is for the entire future of the company, cause if I win Hunter, Stephanie, Nick Khan and Endeavour take the power, however if I lose then the entire company as a whole is in danger cause if I lose Vincent Kennedy McMahon takes back full power, (BOOOOOOOOO!!) Yeah exactly so at Wrestlemania I essentially can't lose hell if I am to lose at Wrestlemania Brock Lesnar is gonna have to kill me cause I cannot and will not allow the company that I have watched since I was 3 years old be run by a sadistic nympho who thinks he can do whatever he wants to whoever he wants, now the lord and everybody knows I'm no saint but compared to Vince McMahon I'm freaking John Cena, now onto tonight, as you can see I'm out here to fight so to paraphrase John Cena, You want your ass kicked come get it kicked

Miz: Really, Really, Really, you think Brock Lesnar won't take pleasure in ripping you apart, you know what I th-

LA Knight: Miz he said wants someone to come fight him not run their damn mouth at him sounding like a chicken in a rooster battle with your tiny little stones hiding way down in your wife's purse, so here it is Nick you want someone to fight you well your about to take a ride on the train that can't be stopped

Miz: Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, I was about to accept his challenge to come fight but I thought I'd let him know my thoughts on how stupid he is to fight Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania

LA Knight: I'd fight Brock Lesnar

Miz: Yous are both stupid that's Brock Lesnar yous are talking about

Nick: Alright enough talk Mike, Knight get in this ring we're doing this and we're doing it Triple Threat Style

End of Match

It's been a fairly even Triple Threat so far with each man picking their spots, Nick currently has Knight on the top Turnbuckle looking to Suplex him when Miz pulls him down and tries to Suplex Knight himself getting them both standing when Nick leaps up to the Top Rope and Hits Miz with an Angle Slam, kipping up and getting hit with a Crossbody by Knight which Nick rolls through picking Knight up and hitting a swinging Backbreaker, Nick then catches a charging Miz with in a fireman's carry just for Miz to slide behind and look for the Skull Crushing Finale for Nick to roll him through and duck a clothesline allowing Knight to hit Miz with a little bit of Blood Force Trauma, Knight gets turned around into a Short-End Twisting Brainbuster by Nick getting the




*Ding Ding Ding*

Backstage - Off-Screen

HHH: Hell of a job out there guys

LA Knight: That's light work honestly and Nick and Mike make it so easy to do my job, Yeah

Nick: Honestly tonight was so fun I got to run my mouth and kick some ass

Cora: Yeah you did

Nick: Kisses Cora on the Cheek, Did you enjoy that

Cora: It was a fun match to watch, and that Promo battle between the 3 of you

Miz: It's so easy to work Promos with guys who actually know how to use a microphone

HHH: Honestly, awesome work all of yous, yous are all done for the night Nick you are now done for a few weeks, you and Cora both don't need to be back for a few weeks

Nick: Thanks boss

Cora: Yeah thanks

Nick: Now I get to take you on that date

Cora: Good cause I've got a surprise for you after that date

Nick: Oh yeah

Cora: Yeah

End Chapter

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