Chapter 7

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Cora: So mister what've you got for tonight

Nick: Theory just a little set out to see where I currently fit in on the roster

Cora: That'll be a good match

Nick: Yeah Austin's a hell of a competitor he gets good heel heat he's good on the mic in ring few can match him when he's on top form so working him is gonna be fun

Theory: Hey guys, Cora good to see you again

Nick: Austin nice to finally meet you AJ hypes you up a lot

Theory: Damn good to know, uh Hunter said we can decide who goes over either just before or mid match

Nick: Cool I'm down with that

Cora: Can't wait to watch this I'm not gonna lie

Theory: Good that's what I aim for I'll catch you later Nick

Nick: See ya

Cora: So what are we doing after the show

Nick: We are flying to Florida for NXT and your goodbye match so to speak then we're flying to join the SmackDown crew to build your lines with both champs before picking one, and then we fly for Raw next week on Saturday and it's gonna be like that till the week you pick who you want

Cora: Wow no rest for the weary huh

Nick: No but at least it's not flying Japan to America every 4 Days just to fight then fight again

Cora: That must of fucking sucked

Nick: Oh it did but then add Karl and Luke to it

Cora: Oh my how did you not die

Nick: A lot of music and noise cancelling headphones

Cora: Haha

Nick: Not funny

Cora: It's very funny

Nick: Oh would you look at that there go your cuddles

Cora: Noooooo

Nick: Haha

Cora: Not funny

Nick: And now you know how I felt

Cora: I'm sorry can I have my cuddles back

Nick: Aww I can't say no to that face

Cora: Yayyyy

Nick: Hehe

Theory: Hey Nick we're up

Nick: Coming, see you after

Cora: See you after


Corey: And here comes the now

Kevin: Poor performance last night by Austin Theory in the Royal Rumble

Corey: He only had a poor performance because of his opponent who caught everyone off guard when he debuted on Saturday night

Kevin: Speaking of here comes the machine what a performance Saturday going nearly bell to bell in the Royal Rumble

Corey: Nearly only one guy lasted longer, Riddle the winner

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