Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

I've been in the rumble for what feels like forever as number 27 is about to come out god I'm gonna kill AJ for agreeing to this

Oh god this is not what I need

Cora's POV

We're sitting in Gorilla Drew's just hit the ring so he's about to get beat up some more

Triple H: Hey Cora what you doing here your match isn't for another couple hours

Cora: Oh I'm just watching the match I want to see someone after the match

Triple H: Anyone in particular

Cora: I'm not sure yet I need confirmation first

Triple H: Alright enjoy it

Oh I will

Nick's POV

Alright final four me, Drew, Lashley and Riddle why were still here no idea but we are I get into scraps with Drew I end up dazed on the ropes and as Drew's about eliminate Lashley throws him over the top and eliminates him well thanks but no thanks cause he runs at me but I pull down the ropes just in time and as I get up Riddle hits Lashley with a V-Trigger and knocks him off the apron, and here we are final two after going the distance but only one can win, we get scrapping and throw bombs at each other he rocks me though with a roundhouse he then nails me with a RKO and throws me over the top and eliminates me and the next thing I'm hearing

Mike Rome: The winner of the 2023 Men's Royal Rumble Matt Riddle

Well there's many more opportunities for a rumble win, time to go backstage


Triple H: Good job kid look forward to working with you more

Nick: Honour is all mine Boss

Cora: Nerd

Nick: Trip am I hearing things or did I just get called nerd

Triple H: She definitely said it

Cora: And I'll say it again Nerd

Nick: It's her it has to be *Turns Around* Meangirl

Cora: *Runs and jumps into his arms*

Nick: *Catches Her* I found you

Cora: We found each other

Nick: *Puts Her down* I never forgot about you

Cora: Still sweet as ever

Nick: And your still as mean as ever

Cora: Depends what you class as mean

Nick: Oh has the "Mean-Girl" gone soft

Cora: Yeah it's all character now and I blame you for making me soft

Nick: And I blame you for making me cold and mean for a few years

Cora: Let's go to Caf for a bit and catch up

Nick: Let me do this first Matt

Riddle: Hey Bro, Broette

Nick: Congrats on the win that was 2 sweet

Riddle: Hey you know I'm Chaos for life you can be BC I'll stick to Chaos

Nick: Alright Bro good to see you though

Riddle: Yeah

Cora: So Caf now

Nick: After you Mean-Girl

Cora: Oh please stop

Nick: Nope never

Cora: I'm stuck with you now aren't I

Nick: Yep


Nick: So talk to me what's life been like

Cora: Oh you know the occasional boyfriend that never worked out cause I was "Too Mean"

Nick: Hm seems they don't know what their talking about

Cora: Oh really wanna prove em wrong

Nick: Bri we just got reconnected let's spend a few weeks getting to know each other again then I'll take you out how about that

Cora: Alright fine but tell me how'd life in Atlanta go

Nick: Firstly well remembered, um life was rough bounced from house to house till I was 15 when I was found by Allen and Wendy Allen trained me then sent me to Japan to further my training

Cora: Sounds cool where'd you go for excursion

Nick: The UK first time then Mexico second Allen didn't like me working Mexico though

Cora: Why not

Nick: I was 170 he was worried I would get stuck there

Cora: Now your nearly 200 and working WWE

Nick: Yeah I'll kill Allen for giving me an early spot though

Cora: You say as if he had anything to do with it

Nick: Oh no I know for a fact he was involved

K. Anderson: Yeah he was fully involved Good Brother Allen is always involved somehow

L. Gallows: Yeah he's always helping his Good Brothers

Nick: But yeah as I was saying he's involved

Cora: Your not about to glide over the fact that the Allen your talking about is AJ Styles

Nick: Yeah he found me trained me sent me off to Japan and boom here I am

Cora: Wait so why go back to Chicago last week

Nick: Guys a minute

K. Anderson: Of course Brother

Nick: Thanks guys...... Okay may I ask how you know

Cora: Ky called me when you turned up to the cemetery then when she seen you going up to your dads she called cause I've been the only one going since you left

Nick: Well thanks for going, and I went back to talk to him I haven't talked to him since the Funeral, I wanted to catch up with him

Cora: Why haven't you been

Nick: I tried that's why I was bouncing from house to house, not that I didn't want to be there, I just wanted to be home with Dad Mum you

Cora: I get that, you know I looked for you whenever I had shows in Atlanta I looked for you

Nick: What year

Cora: 2017

Nick: I was getting ready for Japan at that time, you would've missed me

Cora: Huh

Triple H: Sorry to break up the reunion but Cora we need you in gorilla in 25

Cora: Okay, look I've got to get ready for Rumble

Nick: I'll meet you in Gorilla when your ready

Cora: Okay

To Be Continued

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