Chapter 6

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Driving To Raw

K. Anderson: I'm telling you she is

Cora: Karl please shut up

Nick: Oh thank god Karl you've been talking about her for 3 and a half hours we're nearly at the show you've been talking about her for that long

L. Gallows: So Cora you've been on Raw for like 30 seconds before how do you think you'll do with more time tonight

Cora: I think I'll do well I mean it's just a promo with Bianca

Nick: Please smoke her on the mic

Cora: Oh you don't like Bianca

Nick: No not on screen anyway I think she's tacky as fuck on screen

Cora: Tell her that and tell her how you think she can feel less tacky

Nick: Don't wanna upset anyone on my first night on Raw

Cora: I think that's how you go about it just be honest when your asked what you think of others characters

Nick: Sure I always do that but Bianca is Raw Women's Champion don't want to insult her

K. Anderson: Look we agree with ya she's tacky on screen but a lot of others are happy your coming into the company cause it will help everyone feel less tacky cause your real, you have that connection with the fans cause you know what to do and when to do it especially promo wise I mean you hit every line perfectly and you time the cheap pops perfectly if you use them

L. Gallows: Yeah Karl is right your real that's why people relate to you, it's why you got over in Japan brother

Nick: Thanks guys also we're here

Cora: Cool I'll find you when I'm ready

Nick: Alright see you soon


Montez: Hey your the star from Japan right

Nick: Yeah your Montez Ford it's great to meet you

Montez: Yeah you too

A-Dawks: Ay yo Tez this is the guy who called Bianca's character tacky a year ago

Bianca: Yeah he did I'd like to see him see it say it now

Nick: Alright fine it's tacky the fans go back and forth with you cause yeah your talented and you work hard but your character is BS it's straight up shit in general, I mean your promos are ass because they're generic they're straight out the book of wrestling school promos, in ring your good but there is so many better on the roster and yet your the flavour that gets shoved down the fans throat every week I mean Alexa should've beat you because she hasn't won a belt on her own since 2018 and she's had two shots since then at a singles title and you keep getting shoved in feuds that somehow last close to or over a year long I mean your first one was Sasha which was close to a year then Becky that was a year I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow drag Cora into a 2 year feud your that forced on the fans I mean yeah the roster was killed by Laurinuitis and yea you took the ball and ran but you've ran as far as you can and that happened a long time ago the Fans are bored of you and want you off screen for an extended amount of time Becky went off nearly 2 years came back to a massive pop Alexa went off screen for 5 months and got a pop louder than you have in 3 years on the main roster

Bianca: Wow he said it word for word your honest I like you

Montez: Your gonna be a big voice back here I can tell

Nick: Oh thanks don't get me started on the Street Profits

A-Dawks: Shoot my man

Nick: Fine you guys are good enough and over enough on your own yous don't need to be on the same roster keep the team but do what the new day did split rosters and help when needed

Montez: Ay he's actually right but we need more teams

Nick: I'll speak to Hunter see if I can help with that I know a few guys who'd be willing to join

Bianca: Hey what would I need to do to be less tacky

Nick: Like I said first take time off come back with an original character be closer to who you are as a person and secondly learn how cut a fucking promo cause every promo I've watched from you have all made me cringe inside I mean your husband and Angelo cut damn good promos hell the Uso's are here consistently ask them for help hell Becky, Bayley and Alexa are three of the best talkers I've ever listened to talk to them gain their words of wisdom and listen to them

Montez: Man if you talk like this in the ring we're all screwed

A-Dawks: I completely agree

Cora: Hey

Nick: Hey you

Cora: How do I look

Nick: Like a Queen as per usual

Cora: Good I was aiming for that what were you guys talking about

Bianca: He was just shooting on our characters

Cora: Oh he didn't hurt any of your feelings right

Montez: Nah it was good sage advice for us he was actually right in everything he said as well

A-Dawks: Yeah he genuinely is gonna be a good leader back here

Bianca: I can't wait to see how much he helps everyone back here

Cora: Well that's Nick always helping everyone I've known it since I met him all those years ago

L. Gallows: Yeah the good brother helps everyone he works with

Nick: Alright guys stop kissing my ass Cora I get but can you guys get off my Dick

Cora: Haha

To Be Continued

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