Part 14

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November was quiet. That was something he appreciated, in the life of a demigod, quiet is a blessing but also a bad omen. That is how he ended up on the border of the school grounds and the Hogwarts dark forest, fighting off some monsters.

He didn't watch the game, the feeling that he missed out on the sport was rather great, sometimes. He'd love to get in there and throw some hoops. He figured it was something like volleyball, that he can play.

He stepped into Hagrid's hut and turned on the kettle. Fang barked at him and he nodded, "I'll get you your food." He said to the dog and walked into the back. As soon as he walked out of the storage with a bowl in his hand he looked at the sudden crowd. "Hey." He blinked.

"Percy, feeding Fang again, are you? How was the woods?"

"Busier than usual, but nothing to take note of." He answered and set the bowl down. He looked over at Harry's clothes, the only reason it'd be so dirty is that he had landed roughly. "What'd you do?" He asked the slytherin.

"Caught the snitch."

"That must've made Flint very happy with you." He grimaced at the mention of the Slytherin, real arrogant is what he was.


Percy laughed softly, and poured in some tea as he listened to the story and handed it out, "It was Snape," Ron said. "Hermione and I saw him. He was cursing your broomstick, muttering, he wouldn't take his eyes off of you."

"Rubbish." Percy answered for Hagrid.

"Why would Snape do something like that?" Hagrid continued.

The three looked at one another. Harry spoke up, "I found out something about him, he tried to get past that Cerberus dog of yours. It bit him. We think he was trying to steal whatever it's guarding."

Hagrid dropped his teacup and Percy waved his wand, repairing it. "How do you know about Fluffy?"

"You named a three headed dog, Fluffy?" Percy said in awe.

"Yeah, he's mine. Bought him from some Greek chap." Percy groaned. "I met in the pub last year. Let him to Dumbledore to guard the-"

"The corridor." Percy interrupted.

"That's top secret, don't ask me anything anymore."

"But Snap's trying to steal it." Harry argued.

"Rubbish." Percy repeated. "He's a teacher, do you think he'd risk his job and standing among the wizard world?"

"So why did he just try and kill Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe that isn't the full story." Percy said, "I know how someone with intent to kill looks like and it isn't Snape."


Percy blanked and scratched the back of his neck, "A few of the centaurs."

"I'm telling you are wrong!" Hagrid said, "I don't know why Harry's broom acted like that, but Snape wouldn't try to kill a student, listen to Percy! Meddling in thing that don't concern you. What it's guardian is between Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel-"

"Aha!" Harry called out and Percy glared at the boy as he patted Hagrid's back. "There is someone called Nicolas Flamel involved isn't there?"

"Okay," Percy stood up, "Clear out you lot. Don't want to see you here after night." He ordered. Ron looked like he wanted to protest but he wasn't having it. "Come on!"

The moment the three students were out of the hut Edmund turned around to look at Hagrid, "You seriously have a Cerberus?" He asked and face palmed. "And didn't mention it to me? Now you're going to have to spill everything or I'll make Dumbledore do so."

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