coup d'é tat

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Some time had passed since the incident on Nobu Island with nine. It was now winter. The air was cold, and the breeze sent chills down your spine. Many of Japan's residents were unsure how to feel everyone was worried about their safety. The League was quiet for nearly a month now. The feeling was like waiting for thunder and lightning to strike. Even the children of Japan knew that a storm was coming, and the stress was almost unbearable for heroes. If it wasn't for UA's scout regiment, many of them would have quit by now

Izuku looked in the mirror, mentally preparing himself for what was about to come. Thanks to the information that Touya was able to provide, Izuku was able to come up with a plan.

Eren: I don't know what's bugging you. You've done things like this before.

Izuku: No, Eren, you have. This will be my first time doing this as me. I'm naturally good-natured. What I'm about to do is conflict with my instincts.

Eren: So killing villains is part of your nature?  Can't say I'm much different.

Izuku: these guys are bad, that's for sure but I can't say I'm defending myself, it's time for me to grow up and accept that if we're going to achieve our goals and kill our enemies we have to do shit we don't like.

Eren: Good job, Commander, now go and 

Izuku: Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm not your father, you don't control me, Eren.

Eren looked at Izuku and smirked a bit. He was happy with that response. In all honesty, he knew Izuku didn't trust him very much anymore, not since he found out memories were being tampered with. Eren figured that Ymir was behind it, but since he couldn't come up with a reason for her to do that, he decided to keep it to himself

Izuku: We've spent two weeks preparing, it's time

Izuku put on his mask and left the bathroom in his uniform

Izuku walked down the halls of UA, When he made it to Principal Nezu's office he was greeted by his squad/class, they were divided and lined up leaving a way to the door for him.

Izuku: Are you soldiers ready?

They all simultaneously answered

Scouts: YES, SIR!

Izuku: Good

Izuku walked in and was greeted by Nezu

Izuku: Call them

Nezu: Calm your tone, Izuku, and show some manners

Izuku nodded, and Nezu pulled up his screen

The call was immediately answered, and before them was a committee of eight, Izuku had never met them, but he could tell they were the type to do something selfish and claim it was for the greater good, they are the type to abuse their powers

CM 1: Nezu? Is there something wrong?

Nezu: Thankfully, no, The last time you sent a representative here, we spoke of Izuku Yagi and how he may have some information regarding Titans

CM 4: Please hurry this up. We have a meeting

Izuku: You should reschedule it, I know about your experiments

The committee was shocked, that information was classified, not even the top ten heroes knew

Izuku: Here's the deal, I want to see it, Allow me to see your experiments, and I'll tell you everything I know about Titans

CM 8: Why have you withheld this information?

Izuku: Hundreds of years ago, Titans were used as weapons, and I wanted to avoid that. It's obvious that you see some type of advantage from it, I believe we have similar goals

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