Training Camp Part 2

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Currently the Todorokis,Bakugous, and izumi were fighting some guy with a quirk that made his teeth into knifes even together they couldn't deny he was hard to handle. Especially after using his trigger

Katsumi: Damnit! If only izuku was here!

Shoka: he'd be able to handle this no problem!

Katski: I get he's strong but we're not weak either!

Just as he said that we're was a giant ball of light in the distance followed by s screech of some kind

Then izukus jaw titan came crashing into the villan with tokoyami and shoji on his back

The villan somehow knew to go for the nape and cut izukus hands off at the wrist so izuku jumped out of the nape and head Butt him.

When he got out he made sure everyone was okay

Izumi: izuku! Your hands!

Izuku: I'm fine... actually does anyone have any food?

Shoto: how are you thinking of food right now?

Izuku: I'm running a but low on energy and food will help

Izumi,shoka,and katsumi all pulled put kisses

Izumi: here

Izuku shook his hand stubs

Katsumi: I thought you could head instantly

Izuku: that takes way to much energy and waiting like this only takes a tenth of the energy so give me at most half an hour

They fed him the chocolate and started walking

Tsu: look out ochako!

Izuku ran as fast as he could only to see ochako holding a blonde girl by her wrist

Ochako: try that again and I'll get a titan to eat you

Izuku: nice, oh here!

He gave her a pair of cuffs made from hardening


???: so why do we need the kids again?

Shigaraki: we just need the green haired boy

???: for?

Shigaraki: don't worry about it! And kill the others if you want... just not masters pawn

???: which one was that again?

Shigaraki: that French kid

Back with the group

Izuku: wait... where did Izumi,shoka,Tokoyami, and Katski go?

Then conpress left running

Compress: if you want them come get them!

Izuku: chako! Weightless now!

She did as told and tsu launched them mud air ochako released them and izuku was able to tackle compress and he dropped two of the marbels

They all fell in an open field and two of them opened revealing Tokoyami and izumi

Izuku and shoto ran to grab the other two shoto was able to get Katski. And as izuku was going after shoka shigaraki almost got her

They were both interrupted by blue flames

Dabi: izuku! Grab shoka and run!

Shigaraki: what the hell are you doing!

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