Deku vs Female and Cart

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Titan had just finished killing the Nomus, he had regenerated his arm once and his leg twice

Titan thought: if I play my cards right I can form maybe two more times 

Titan: now time to-

Lemillion: Titan Come in!

Titan: what's up?

GT: Titan shifter! Two of them!

Titan began running in the direction he saw his friends go

Titan: What's your position?

Uravity: Underground!

Ground zero: heads up! They called back up!

Titan began running as fast as he could with OFA activated when a thunder spear was shot at him

Luckily he dodged it but saw many people all armed

Titan: damnit! Team, I'm held up, I'll get there as soon as I can!

Villain: you're not the only one with fancy toys!

Titan noticed that the police and Pros were held up too

He got his swords ready and charged in

The Police and Pros watched in horror

Titan looked at them and before he could leave more enemies came

*with the other titan shifters*

Uravity: I'm not sure what to do!

GT: me either!

Freezer burn began making  giant Icebergs to slow down the titans but then they heard ODM Gear

They had a slimmer of hope thinking it was Titan but sadly it was just More enemies

Creati: everyone! Gas masks now!

As the group put their masks on creati made a large smoke bomb and enemies started dropping like flies

Froppy: what was that?

Creati: a lethal toxin!

Lemillion: Creati! We can't kill them!

Ground Zero: it's them or us!

Froppy: wait! We can use those on the titan shifters!

Uravity: okay, Creati you make more smoke bombs and one of us will get in close, the rest will keep them distracted!

Peko: it's not the smartest thing to plan in front of your enemy!

She lunged forward and if it wasn't for Lemillion's quirk he would be dead

They all broke apart and began to fly around the two titans

Ground Zero, Freezer Burn, and Green Telek were focused on Peko the cart titan

While Creati, Uravity, Froppy, and Lemillion focussed on Toga the Female titan

Creati and Froppy flew close to her legs while Uravity and Lemillion focussed on her arms

Ground Zero began using her Explosions like her brother making a stun grenade, Green Telek used her telekinesis to make the cart think she was being attacked from different places, and Freezer burn was trying to freeze her legs

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